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RFC: New player experience

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 51–60 của 66

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# 51



3 năm trước

@Angelio If the main point of your idea are just the lines and color isn't important, then yes, I overcomplicated it. If all lines are the same color, it doesn't matter. If the main point are the colors (which I think are the main point), then I think I found a big issue in your idea and proposed a possible fix. You can't expect the game to automagically color every path correctly in a complex machine, and this idea is __meant__ for complex machines. If the game colors stuff itself, it will end up even more confusing than it already is. Rob already said that my lines were confusing him and he stopped thinking about conduits and just saw the lines. A rainbow of unrelated colors wouldn't help here. The player __has__ to decide what the color will be. Otherwise it won't work and the work Firefly would do would be useless. Although I'm sure he would see some other issues with this we don't see, if he saw this as a thing he could add. Also: You can kinda already do this in the game on your own, I did this in the photon stadium for aesthetics: lava, chaos crystal and cyanergy under conduit; but some people could do it to color code their complex machine. Plus you can see the listed blocks like these from anywhere, the lines would only be visible within the matrix area.

# 52



3 năm trước

FF Strategy: Dear atypical players that already like my game, what can I do to make it more appealing to typical players?

# 53



3 năm trước

Well well well, @Obi, I take back my semi apology for giving you a harsh reply. You have gone and done exactly what I was saying you do when someone questions something about the game. Shut them down, even after I was going to concede the point to you about the crossing over of or placing side by side photon conduit circuits. You did it to me and Angelio. I thought that, ok, the information on crossing photon conduits must be written somewhere and I just couldn't find it, but no. It wasn't actually written anywhere, it's meant to be intuitive for the player to discover. What a #%&*@? joke. Never in a million years would I have tested for that and as far as the photon system being intuitive goes, it is FAR from it. When you go to the store to buy photon parts you don't even get a tool tip explaining what each part does. The Photon injector is so brilliantly conceived that you can't even place one as a wall switch. It can only go on floors and if you want to hide one, it has a massive star hovering over it so you can spot one from miles away. The remover looks like a remover! Does it? Plus you are not even addressing the actual issue I'm trying to solve, being that photon machines are on a way bigger scale than necessary. But don't worry about it, it can stay the way it is, I give up. You wont have to worry about any changes to your glorious photon system asked for by me anymore. I will not be adding any more of my thoughts on the game at all, as it seems that most players ideas just get completely ignored or shut down.

# 54



3 năm trước

P.S @Obi, you actually miss-quoted what I said. Go back and read it again.

# 55



3 năm trước

@Rob12: Sorry, I thought you just wanted to make sure I didn't feel attacked, and that's why you posted the semi apology (I didn't feel attacked) I did say I'm very biased and that should be taken into account. I might not be a good measure of the intuitiveness of the photon system, I did follow it's development closely and didn't just find the blocks in the game one day after updating without any explanation of what they do. Didn't want to make you feel shut down, just wanted to post my standpoint on the topic. I'll refrain from responding whenever I feel I might have a strong bias. I did really like the timer block though, would be very useful when building anything with photons.

# 56



3 năm trước

So maybe @ColtsWalker has a point that I am not smart for starting this topic. On the other hand, it feels like everyone saw a good opportunity to vent on personal frustrations and shortcomings in Angeldust's design and I'm glad to read where major pain points are for experienced players and builders. I also understand the ensuing frustration and collisions going on here. Most of these are probably because this forum lacks nuance and subtleties of real-life communication. Everyone does their best, and I'd ask to view posts here in their most favorable light. Is the best idea to forget this topic existed while I parse through all information contained within? Or are there viable directions for ongoing discussion?

# 57



3 năm trước

I apologize, that I got overly frustrated.

# 58



3 năm trước

I have the impression that in this topic and many others, the problem remains the same, there's conservatives who want to keep things that are already in game as it is because it's perfect enough and on the other the progressives who want things in game to change in the idea to make it better. So in the end, what's left? Add more content to the game rather than debating whether or not we change what is already in the game?

# 59



3 năm trước

Another thing to add with my previous post, not everyone (not even you who's reading this) is in one of the two extreme camps, it's important to know that. Each of us have opinions resulting in nuances between one side and the other, and "maybe" that's what complicates things.

# 60



3 năm trước

@Angelio, Your right with what you say there. Also those who want change, don't always want to change everything! or every part of one thing! Some people can compromise as well.

Bưu kiện 51–60 của 66

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