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Mileage Markers...

trong English trong Diễn đàn

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Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I think it would be good to set up mileage markers at a certain amount of miles from towns, or villages, so that it can be found, and be appreciated more. We can make it so that each level is the equivalent of 2 miles x 2 miles. For example, if I have a town inside Level 50 and I want a mileage marker that's set up at Level 40, the mileage marker would say> [Name of Town]- 20 miles (or mi.). It could say, 19 miles, if the town is in the middle or beginning of Level 50.... 2 miles x 2 miles might be too small for each level, though... maybe, 3 miles x 3 miles? Or, 5 miles x 5 miles? I'm going to create mileage signs for my town (i.e. Justice), but it would be nice to get an agreement so the signs can be accurate and understandable.

# 2



7 năm trước

I thought of this myself. The world is already measured by the numeric level usually east and west; the unknown is the other measurement which is usually north/ south. Someplace in town would need to be specified as 'area 1' or something like that. I would propose moving about 50 claims to each side; the spot 50 claims to the north could be 'area 2b' 50 claims further could be 'area 3b.' 50 claims further so it would be 150 claims from the start point could be 'area 4b.' Going 50 claims to the south from the start point (area 1) could be called 'area 2c' 50 claims further would be 'area 3c.' and so on. Using a numeric and the alpha characters would allow us to represent every point in relation to the others. Then we could use the number of the levels that are already in the game to designate how far out. By doing this, if there were some concentrated effort, if we started at your place in town we'd eventually come to my place in town; we'd eventually get to space is green's and everyplace. We'd have a solid idea about how far we were from everyplace in town. Once we had this set we could move out away from town. If I make a claim at level 50 or 60 and if I went back to town I could figure out what area the claim is in. Perhaps I could make a note of it someplace on here. If someone else claimed someplace at level 50 or 60 an area or two over and they made a note of it on here as well, we would know where each other were. This would be an involved project and I don't think it would ever be complete, but if people put in some effort we might be able to end up with a somewhat workable system. Eventually by this long process we could get the town marked off into areas and we might get some idea of where things are in relation to others.

# 3



7 năm trước

Then if you put on here that your palace was at 'area 1 level 50' or 'A1 L50' and I put on here that my claim was at 'area 14b level 50' or 'A14b, L50' we would know that I was 700 claims to the north of you. I'm a bit afraid though because if we tried this and it didn't work or if we get into it and find that the alpha numeric characters we picked won't work for some reason; I can already see why my system wouldn't work because we'd need another character to indicate which side of the town we were on. It could still be done; we'd have to make sure we really think it will work because once we start anything we haven't thought of would become harder to fix.

# 4


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

Making it too complicated would just cause younger players not to use any marker. Perhaps, 3 claimable lands can be the equivalent to 1 mile? So if the sign says: Justice> North 10 MILES... that would simply mean that the city of Justice would be 30 claimable lands due north of where the sign is.

# 5


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

It'll probably be more realistic to where 5 consecutive claimable lands should equal 1 mile instead of 3 claimable lands.

# 6



7 năm trước

What about the metric system? :P Lets say a block is 1 metre in length, then a claim becomes 32 metres long. An erea level is 4 claims long (I think) making it 4x32=128 metres long. A mile = 1609.34 metres; so a mile would be 12.57 area levels or 50.3 claims long.

# 7


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

If the town isn't due north, the sign can say something like> Justice- North 10 Miles-East 2 Miles... meaning. the town is 50 claimable lands north and 10 claimable lands east... that's if 5 claimable lands equal 1 mile.

# 8


Kamikaze Justice

7 năm trước

I forgot about those that live by the metric system... probably won't accept the standard in the U.S. How about this... to each his own? Europeans can use metric and the western hemisphere can use miles. It'll all work out.

# 9



7 năm trước

Doing something like this would be easier if the open build were back.

# 10



7 năm trước

Anyway, I like the idea of using kilometers because a block is close to a meter. Each claim would be 32 meters which means that 31.25 claims would be a kilometer. We must round this up to 32. Because if we did that, and considering each level is 4 claims then it would take exactly 8 levels to equal a kilometer. This would make it so that each claim was 1/32 of a kilometer. 4 claims 1 level would be 1/8 of a kilometer. 16 claims or 4 levels would be 1/2 of a kilometer. To use this to answer the question in the original post; the 10 levels would be 1 and 1/16 of a kilometer. It took me 50 seconds to run 1 levle. Which means that our characters could cover the 8 levels in just under 7 minuets. I think that 7 minuets to walk a kilometer is awful close to what people might walk. I know this is complicated but it has to be. 5 claims doesn't run into the level count of the game because it's 4 claims per level. Using 32 claims for the 1 unit of measure, call it a kilometer call it a mile or whatever; is divisible by 4 so the math would come out right. A person cannot walk a mile a minuet. If we told someone on here that they had to walk 100 miles or 100 kilometers to get someplace, they would expect it to take a week. We can't figure that our characters can walk 100 miles in just over an hour. TLDR: Whatever we call it 32 claims should be 1 kilometer or 1 mile. That would be 8 levels. It should take just under 7 minuets to walk that. That's my take anyway.

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 26

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