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Suggestions for Angeldust

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 32

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# 11



7 năm trước

Yep, chat log would be great. People mentioned before.

# 12



7 năm trước

Considering how monsters found in the wild have tiered levels, it isn't so far fetch to think that we the players will have something similar in the future, and if that is the case, I suggest altering the very definition of a quest! This is how it would work... I always wondered how great it would be if a NPC acted more like a real person instead of what it is now, and that's when I realized a very simple fact, at its core a NPC is nothing more than a glorified check box for tasks, suitably nicknamed as quest givers or NPC, and that's when I had a epiphany, why cant we the players be quest givers ourselves, its easy enough to do right? Several problem arose from this idea, the first being why would players bother giving other players quest when they can just as easily forego the interaction! And I thought of a specific circumstance in game, veteran players at times help newbs lv up or even hand out free goodies but it usually lacked consistency(it can happen but the average player don't expect it to happen to them) and occurring mostly within the veteran's own circles like their friend and family they know or even guild mates they have, so why not make this in game interaction that can be done without the acknowledgement of the game systems into something it does by solidifying as one of a variety of player made quest, this would have the added benifit of bolstering player to player interaction while integrating that particular mind set into new players and so on, the fact that in the current MMO mainstream landscape a player can choose to forego player to player interactions and the system in place facilitated this is a darn shame when you think about it, I mean for crying out loud its a MMO and not a single player game! The above is but a rough example of a possible scenario in which a player given quest could work in. There is really only a few very basic rules for player made quest that I can think of on the top of my head. (1)Checks and balance must be set so that players do not abuse the system, for example: players would have a limited amount of quest they can hand out and the rewards must match the quest difficulty. (2)Rewards for quests completion must be guaranteed within the game space but the rewards can either be given by the game upon completion like daily rewards or given by the players, if given by the player the rewards can range from actual exp deducted from the quest givers own character or anything else they can obtain within the game space like items or gold and due to this the quest difficulty does not have to match the reward given but if the rewards are given by the player, the rewards in question must be first deposited before the quest can become active. (3)Players must have a reason to hand out quests, and this is where the usual "meta" becomes a tangible part of the game. (4)Each quest can only be done by one person due to this, once a quest is taken by a player it will no longer appear to any other players. Now that the basic rules have been set, how a player made quest system would look like is very simple! It would be very similar to the familiar auction house prevalent in many mainstream MMO but unlike a auction house it will post wanted ad in a bulletin board format for so and so for so and so reward like I want this equipment and will pay this for it, or I'm recruiting for a monster hunt or I want someone to play with me or I am looking for mercenary(random players not a actual class for support,meat shield,flunky,bait) for a guild battle against another guild or.....etc. Basically any task you can think of doing within the game, can be turn into a quest. This has the added benefit of supplementing content while adding unique quest only a player would dare give. I was talking about how it can give the meta a tangible part within the game earlier, that is why I don't see how like the current friend system it could be a quick fix. The reason it will work is due to a guaranteed reward instead of something promise which can be easily renegaded on, creating a situation where players would rarely bother answering requests within the meta unless its interesting enough.Type your message here.

# 13



7 năm trước

update is only 1 MB so wat u ask to much.. but he said update every 2 weeks so just hope it good better and better content in future XD

# 14



7 năm trước

Hello. I hope that dev will read my (and not only my) message. I started play 2 days ago, with my friends and now we are creating russian speak community. Here is some our ideas: 1. We are understand that add craft is impossible in this game cause unlimited resource, but please add more creatures\boss with rare iteams. It can dilute the gameplay and try to replace craft. 2. More creatures. There are so few enemies and it's boring to kill the same creatures. It will be nice to see big bosses which need kill with 5-10 teammates. 3. PVP. Yeah , it will be hard to add adequate pvp cause there is no skills, lvls and characteristics. But PVP arena and zone (for example: after 30 lvl of area add free pvp) will be funny. 4. As I said, there is no skills,lvls and add that stuff would be good. The game is awesome and have very good potential, so please read players messages and don't leave the project. If we have new ideas , i will writte.

# 15



7 năm trước

Hello. I hope that dev will read my (and not only my) message. I started play 2 days ago, with my friends and now we are creating russian speak community. Here is some our ideas: 1. We are understand that add craft is impossible in this game cause unlimited resource, but please add more creatures\boss with rare iteams. It can dilute the gameplay and try to replace craft. 2. More creatures. There are so few enemies and it's boring to kill the same creatures. It will be nice to see big bosses which need kill with 5-10 teammates. 3. PVP. Yeah , it will be hard to add adequate pvp cause there is no skills, lvls and characteristics. But PVP arena and zone (for example: after 30 lvl of area add free pvp) will be funny. 4. As I said, there is no skills,lvls and add that stuff would be good. The game is awesome and have very good potential, so please read players messages and don't leave the project. If we have new ideas , i will writte.

# 16



7 năm trước

sorry for duplicate posts

# 17



7 năm trước

Which dev came up with the idea of having peoples homes visible on the forums? I want to shake your hand!

# 18



7 năm trước

Trashboat-it is fun tho because you can build just 2 walls and it looks like complete building because of camera angle, my heart avatar exploit this fact too :^)

# 19



7 năm trước

How dare you..... haha. I didnt know that though! Thanks!

# 20



7 năm trước

ITS ANOTHER RESPONSE TO YOU POST, YAY!! Posted by Bucky: "There should be a chat box? i dont know if that has been said before. I dont like that i have to keep my eyes glued to the screen just in case someone says something. If you take your eyes off the screen and someone says something its gone forever. Everything else has been stated already" Yes, I think I mentioned it before very briefly, if not, apologies and great idea, especially when firefly has to answer questions in chat when streaming but he can't see them, would also work well in guilds or clans (the thread will be updated with that post) Posted by Onigashe "Connsidering how monsters found in the wild have tiered levels, it isn't so far fetch to think that we the players will have something similar in the future, and if that is the case, I suggest altering the very definition of a quest! This is how it would work... I always wondered how great it would be if a NPC acted more like a real person instead of what it is now, and that's when I realized a very simple fact, at its core a NPC is nothing more than a glorified check box for tasks, suitably nicknamed as quest givers or NPC, and that's when I had a epiphany, why cant we the players be quest givers ourselves, its easy enough to do right? Several problem arose from this idea, the first being why would players bother giving other players quest when they can just as easily forego the interaction! And I thought of a specific circumstance in game, veteran players at times help newbs lv up or even hand out free goodies but it usually lacked consistency(it can happen but the average player don't expect it to happen to them) and occurring mostly within the veteran's own circles like their friend and family they know or even guild mates they have, so why not make this in game interaction that can be done without the acknowledgement of the game systems into something it does by solidifying as one of a variety of player made quest, this would have the added benifit of bolstering player to player interaction while integrating that particular mind set into new players and so on, the fact that in the current MMO mainstream landscape a player can choose to forego player to player interactions and the system in place facilitated this is a darn shame when you think about it, I mean for crying out loud its a MMO and not a single player game! The above is but a rough example of a possible scenario in which a player given quest could work in. There is really only a few very basic rules for player made quest that I can think of on the top of my head. (1)Checks and balance must be set so that players do not abuse the system, for example: players would have a limited amount of quest they can hand out and the rewards must match the quest difficulty. (2)Rewards for quests completion must be guaranteed within the game space but the rewards can either be given by the game upon completion like daily rewards or given by the players, if given by the player the rewards can range from actual exp deducted from the quest givers own character or anything else they can obtain within the game space like items or gold and due to this the quest difficulty does not have to match the reward given but if the rewards are given by the player, the rewards in question must be first deposited before the quest can become active. (3)Players must have a reason to hand out quests, and this is where the usual "meta" becomes a tangible part of the game. (4)Each quest can only be done by one person due to this, once a quest is taken by a player it will no longer appear to any other players. Now that the basic rules have been set, how a player made quest system would look like is very simple! It would be very similar to the familiar auction house prevalent in many mainstream MMO but unlike a auction house it will post wanted ad in a bulletin board format for so and so for so and so reward like I want this equipment and will pay this for it, or I'm recruiting for a monster hunt or I want someone to play with me or I am looking for mercenary(random players not a actual class for support,meat shield,flunky,bait) for a guild battle against another guild or.....etc. Basically any task you can think of doing within the game, can be turn into a quest. This has the added benefit of supplementing content while adding unique quest only a player would dare give. I was talking about how it can give the meta a tangible part within the game earlier, that is why I don't see how like the current friend system it could be a quick fix. The reason it will work is due to a guaranteed reward instead of something promise which can be easily renegaded on, creating a situation where players would rarely bother answering requests within the meta unless its interesting enough.Type your message here" Thanks for this, although the way I interpreted it was weird, I will say what I could get from this and respond to it. Firstly, how you mentioned this player to player questing system, I do like it, howeverz, it would be kinda pointless unless it was NPC to Player quest. The reason I say this is because like no one will bother and will probably be best used for like club/guild or game events, if it was NPC to Player, and more items were added, you could do things to Fulfil the NPC's needs and each time you complete it, gives a different quest and your rewards. ALSO, if you're making it like this, people could be getting stuff for others, which could al be kinda leeching off someone, just something someone could do to take advantage, unless you add more stricter restrictions such as quest slowdowns. This is a good idea all in all, a few tweaks and it'll be great! This point has given many ideas that will be posted soon, so moving on.... Posted by Akellawitch "Hello. I hope that dev will read my (and not only my) message. I started play 2 days ago, with my friends and now we are creating russian speak community. Here is some our ideas: 1. We are understand that add craft is impossible in this game cause unlimited resource, but please add more creatures\boss with rare iteams. It can dilute the gameplay and try to replace craft. 2. More creatures. There are so few enemies and it's boring to kill the same creatures. It will be nice to see big bosses which need kill with 5-10 teammates. 3. PVP. Yeah , it will be hard to add adequate pvp cause there is no skills, lvls and characteristics. But PVP arena and zone (for example: after 30 lvl of area add free pvp) will be funny. 4. As I said, there is no skills,lvls and add that stuff would be good. The game is awesome and have very good potential, so please read players messages and don't leave the project. If we have new ideas , i will writte." Hey, firstly you said no point added crafting because there is unlimited resource, why don't they make a system like most other block based games like Minecraft, where there is a counter and an actual inventory, that way, counting could be done Secondly, there is a lot of enemies (around 270) it's just that it takes long to find them all, adding more enemies or bosses like I mentioned earlier, would be cool, making it so it requires at least 5 - 10 people would kinda mimic the Shadow Towers in a game called Trove. Something like that would be cool, but I don't know because it does mimic TROVE in a way Thirdly, I mentioned this yet again, if they add things such as elemental damage and actual stats, this could become a thing, they just have to add more weapons and a balanced matchmaking system and it will work

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 32

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