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Suggestions for Angeldust

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 32

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# 21



7 năm trước

ITS THE LATEST POST OF THIS THREAD ON STEAM, YAYAngeldust Suggestions, Focus: Socialbility Introduction I can't wait for Update 2.7 for Angeldust, it adds in claimable land, and you can claim up to 20, 32^2 blocks which means, no more griefing :D (Although I never build outside my plot XD) It also adds in some other cool features too, such as being able to create and join parties via the Teleporter, NICE! (I play solo anyways but still, YAY) Now, onto what this post is about, Sociability! This post aims to tackle some sociability things that will make the game more MMO and not make yourself lonely, Update 2.7 will add Parties, which partially solves this problems, but in this post, I will suggest some ideas that might have been mentioned earlier and also some new things, so, let's get started! Friends Already mentioned this one, but this time it will be in detail, when you start Angeldust, you already have one friend, Firefly - The developer and to add a friend, you must go to the website and add them from there, this creates a more painful process, having to go to the website, log in, go to friends, SEARCH friends (which is hard if you don't know their username and you have to go back and forth between game and website) and then add them, sometimes, they might not even know how yo use the website so even more stress is added onto the receiver (the person you want to add) and the sender( you) Because of this, a simple solution would be to add an 'Add Friends' Button which brings you to a little menu where you type the person's name, with chat being just there you can easily see the person's name, or if they are right next to you. This would solve everyone's problems! Guilds/Clans I have seen this going around the forums and so would be weird to not mention this since it is about sociability. People can create clans which they can invite their friends or random people and they stay in this clan until they are kicked by someone of high authority. This means people can join others instantly and they can have their own Clan Chat to talk privately. SO here is a rundown of what Clans will be about Inviting and Kicking Authority and Ranks Clan Chat Creating and Deleting a Clan Clan Worlds? Creating and Deleting a clan This would be the start, you would go to say, a menu and you can create a clan for like 5000 Coins, activating this 'Club/Guild Card' would bring you up to a menu asking you to name it, press done, and it now shows up on your teleporter, clicking a button, say 'Join World' would bring you to a randomly generated world, which you and others can build freely on (unless you set restrictions). There is also a button which will be called 'Delete Clan' which will delete the clan name, and the world. All the people in the clan will get kicked automatically, including you. Inviting and Kicking This is what can make your clan popular or secluded, you can invite people to join, which then they can do anything (unless you set restrictions). They can build, adventure etc. Obviously, with an invite button comes a kick button, if say, you get annoyed of someone in the clan, you can kick them, simple as that! Authority and Ranks When you create a clan, your rank is automatically a leader, you can't demote yourself however you can demote to the lowest ranks and promote to highest ranks. The rank below you is the Leaders, they are you right hand men and women and basically have the same right as you do, except they can't delete a clan; below is officers, they are pretty much for support if times get worse; below is members, they are people which can't build but can use, things, kill monsters etc. There is also the builder which is a step higher than member, they are allowed to build. Clan Chat Let's say you have a very popular clan, and the messages are flooding global chat, it's obvious no one wants 3 messages a second, so why not make a chat for the clans only, where people can flood all they want! And also make an anti spam thing so it isn't too flooded, or make chat display more messsages at one time so you cna see what someone typed. Clan Worlds These are randomly generated worlds in which anyone Builder + can build on, of course this makes griefing quite a problem so why not add construction zone tape, you can give to a builder+ so secure your build, and only you can build in that zone and edit it, no one else will unless the zone builder allows someone else to use permission, any usable objects will still be usable. AND THATS IT, GG ITS ONLY 2 THINSG IN DETAIL, YOU THINK IM ADDING LIKE 20 IDEAS LIKE NORMAL LEL JK love you all, will come with ideas when I can!

# 22



7 năm trước

Yea, I want a few things added in too, 1.Everyone can hear you in chat 2.tameable creatures 3.levels for characters, 4.chests 5.craftable weapons, armor , tools, etc. 6. better aim for the sorceress 7. better weapons 8. more customizable characters, 9. faster gameplay 10. and NPC places (villages, shops, etc.) 11 AND quests! :D

# 23



7 năm trước

Posted by sparkle8205Yea, I want a few things added in too, 1.Everyone can hear you in chat 2.tameable creatures 3.levels for characters, 4.chests 5.craftable weapons, armor , tools, etc. 6. better aim for the sorceress 7. better weapons 8. more customizable characters, 9. faster gameplay 10. and NPC places (villages, shops, etc.) 11 AND quests! :D ;) ^^

# 24



7 năm trước

I would like interactable beds that would restore heal [b]slowly[/b] and chairs or couches that we can sit on; so I can build a inn or tavern of sorts for adventurers. This next idea ties with my first idea edible food, consuming said item can restore some heal this will help bridge the gap for warriors they will be able to restore heal without a builder or sorcerer. Food should be more common than craftables but not too common. I like the idea of craftable items so that we can actually trade stuff, of course to avoid people abusing the trade system either make coins harder to get or to make it impossible to trade with coins; only craftable or food items can be traded.

# 25



7 năm trước

Yes, there should totally be chat. I NEED CHAT!!!

# 26



7 năm trước

Update 2.8/2.9/3.0+ Feauture that I and probably many others, really want! Enemy, Weapons and Coin Balancing Right now, the way in which enemies and coins dropped is very unbalanced and uneven, I don't like this and this system needs to be polished so that people who main it solo (like me) can enjoy full benefits of enemies at level 198 solo. so here is how I think it should be done: Coin Drops Each enemy drops coins, it's annoying when a level 2 in a level 10 biome drops 3 coins whereas a level 2 in a level 40 biome drops 50 coins, too unbalanced! So, my solution is you scale it on the enemies's level: Level 1 = 1 coin etc Every 10 levels, it starts from +5 Level 10 = 15 coins LEVEL 20 = 30 coins etc Obviously this makes it so most prices of items in the shop are nothing, so to balance that out, make it more expensive so it goes inline with drop. Enemy levels Obviously to me it work, the enemy levels must be explained, let's say your in a level 130 biome, the enemies there would range from 125 - 135 and of course, the coins scale from there. Basically, every level biome has enemies 5 levels below and above it to fight. Weapon Balancing This is a huge factor in this and one that took me ~30 mins to figure out a best solution, basically, your weapon will be 'upgradable' in a way, this brings back an earlier idea about bosses and dungeons. When exploring a biome with x levels, you need to reach the end of the biome(s) to find level dungeon, this has a boss and gives you, say a gem, which allows you to solo the next level biomes. This would keep going on and on! Also, so people don't take advantage, there are multiple dungeons for the different weapons, i.e.: knight swords get knight gems, scout for scout etc That's something I really want to be added Note: This will be on Steam thread soon Again, I don't expect this to get added but at a certain point, it will get to the point where you need to farm with people, and my computer, though can run it at 60fps+, lags around lots of people so please add it, not expecting it will but pls, I beg :) Common nth down more ideas and stuff Really want a dev to reply again Bug Found:if and enemy stand really close to you, you can hit them from behind or from the side witbout directly looking at them.

# 27



7 năm trước

Yeah, I know I need to work on my house.

# 28



7 năm trước

Posted by Rixuri Yes, there should totally be chat. I NEED CHAT!!! There is one, press T to use it, but chat needs to be upgraded with an actual chat box so we can see other's messages, they should also add whispers

# 29



7 năm trước

@Rixuri lol

# 30



7 năm trước

Armors for the Knight, It seems he becomes weak later lvls and maybe add buyable armor. Multiple armor each with weakness and advantages, One for poison, One for Melee attacks, one for projectiles.

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 32

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