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Update Ideas

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5 năm trước

I got some ideas for game. 1} I was thinking that the waiter block should be transparent. 2} The new creature is about "Fish" in water for it in game world you make a sea. 3} Legendary creature is "Golden Fish" in sea. Please add this my ideas in game. Friends tell about my Ideas right or wrong?

# 2



5 năm trước

Could you Stop posting every ideas you have? or that's gonna be endless

# 3


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I don't mind reading other people's ideas... good or bad... crazy or sane. Isn't that part of what these forums are for?

# 4



5 năm trước

...except Swaleha do not read other posts and has no problem go off topic, usually with own request, so... Firefly, could you complete at least marble blocks? Blue/grey marble stairs and capital and pyramid blocks for other than oragne would be cool. Can we have light blocks with more colors?

# 5



5 năm trước

Swaleha 1 you have good ideas, I like it.

# 6



5 năm trước

@Moniq: your requests have been noted (again) and they are in my issue tracker. Adding new light colors requires a major expansion of the engine which I don't want to do right now, but I understand why everyone wants this. Right now I'm trying to use the last remaining 'block numbers' for adding functionally new blocks instead of aesthetic variations. I'm glad to have the photon block set instead of more marble. In time I'll fix this.

# 7



5 năm trước

For Sure KamiKaze Justice, i agree forums are for posting your ideas but when posting on forums everyone expect this person reflect a lot before posting it so that swaleha knows that its going to be so difficult to put those adds but he ask it anyway and also i tell this to swaleha specialy because he suggest to much things like if developpers were vulgars persons that execute every ideas in 2mins what im not agree with are persons that can't just appreciate what they already have

# 8



5 năm trước

@FurVox I f you want to say this things please don't talk about it. I just gave my ideas.

# 9



5 năm trước

My Ideas will be endless like angeldust game world.

# 10


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Here's an idea for making building/construction quicker and more efficiently... Have a SELECT tool or key, and select an area on claimed land, and then use the COPY tool (or key) to choose a block... then, use the PASTE tool (or key) to paste the selected area with the chosen block. This way, large areas of land (or other places) can be worked on quickly. For example, instead of taking up a lot of time laying down rocks, snow, sand, etc., it will take only a few clicks to get the job done. The same thing can be done for clearing out a layer of rock, snow, sand, etc... by SELECTing an area and then deleting it with the DELETE key, or tool.

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