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Update Ideas

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 30

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# 11



5 năm trước

As the 2x2 shovel for cutting fast of selected land. And for putting block to much time need.

# 12


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

Please... get rid of the whiteout conditions. When it's snowing, there is more fog than usual, and it makes it nearly impossible to hunt or construct.

# 13



4 năm trước

@KJ: that's the first negative feedback I get on the new atmospheric effects. I don't want to toss them out just yet as I like the 'small world' visual effect they give, but if everyone agrees I'll tweak the fog.

# 14



4 năm trước

@Firefly I didn't check if there are any options for those new effects. I just noticed that places far away are now more covered by fog even with good weather, which might be pity. And KJ is right about bad weather, the range you can see is almost reduced to nearby claim. But I didn't consider these effects to be big problems. Another thing, when I see you on stream, whole your AD window is too overlighted. And the brightness changes when you have, for example, a telecharger displayed. I am not sure if it is intended or caused by YT for example and it does not do on my linux client, however watch the stream on monitor right next to me sort of hurts my eyes. For me, this is more serious than the fog however if I watch a stream I usually have the display 5 meters away so it is ok.

# 15



4 năm trước

I think an option to choose the intensity would be better, please both sides of the spectrum. I myself really like the dense fog.

# 16



4 năm trước

@Moniq: the brightness (bloom) is the result of a postprocessing shader in Angeldust PostFX for Windows. It lightens up the game world based on atmospheric light, but it's a bit overzealous when the user interface is visible. I love the visual effect, but it does indeed cause the entire image to become lighter, especially during daytime and in snowy or sandy areas. Potential fixes: turn the display brightness down a bit? Or use something like f.lux or redshift to shift the white balance so it's not as bright/bluish to your eyes? I've got the game full-screen on my display while streaming and I find it pleasing to the eye.

# 17



4 năm trước

I'll add my $0.02 ... the whiteout brings "The hunt" to a standstill, but it doesn't last very long, and it gives me a (sometimes needed) real-time break.

# 18


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

Maybe, I'm the only one that is bold enough to say anything about the whiteout conditions. On the other hand, I haven't seen any raving revues about the whiteout conditions, either. I'm building in an Aurora Glaciers biome and when it snows, it's too bright and foggy to do anything but wait. I don't see any benefit over how it was previously. Frankly (pardon the pun), I don't really care if you don't care. I'm not ranting to cause trouble. I'm giving a genuine concern, that makes the graphics worse in the Aurora Glaciers biome. The only people that won't care if there are whiteout conditions are those people with (GM) by their names.

# 19



4 năm trước

I don't mean the problem because I am building my Wonder in Artic Wastes. But this is a problem who build in Tundra, Aurora Glaciers, Pinewood.

# 20



4 năm trước

I don't think anyone is precluded from voicing their concerns here. I'm glad to hear all the issues everyone's experiencing, but I do prioritize fixing things mostly based on my own perception and I try to explain my reasoning where I can. Right now I feel I have bigger fish to fry than tweaking the fog. I spent hours on the new aesthetics and they are now closer to what I like—same with mostly everything in the game. It's the best I could come up with and implement. If more people chime in with fog problems my priority will shift accordingly, but so far I only saw positive reactions. I'm all ears. So everyone: feel free to post in here if the new fog is a problem for you.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 30

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