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Update Ideas

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 30

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# 21



4 năm trước

I like those conditions because weather is weather, you get the same in rl. `If you go outside in rl and it's pouring with rain or blizzard-like conditions then you need to be prepared that you won't be able to see properly. What if you're driving and there's a hail storm, you'd probably pull over for a few minutes, wait and then continue driving when the weather cleared. Same for this game, bad weather doesn't last long, and it won't kill you either.

# 22



4 năm trước

some people play games to escape RL. just saying.

# 23


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

If you want to do everything in the game like real life, then get away from everything that makes building easier... like riding dragons and pushing computer keys. Let's get rid of the telecharger so we can walk to our destinations instead of teleporting to them. And don't ever use the Cinematic Mode function. How about... instead of getting an unlimited number of building blocks for one low price, let's buy each block we need? We might as well call the game Snail Dust.

# 24



4 năm trước

@KJ: believe it or not, but there exist games where you indeed have to bean-count every block. I think we're doing pretty well in that department at the moment.

# 25



4 năm trước

I never said I wanted the whole game to be like real life. We are just talking about the weather / atmospheric modifications here, which I happen to like. You can still build with purple ring trees and hunt roamers and bloomers and play PVP battles to escape from reality if that's why you play. I am currently building in a snowy landscape and I've had no problems seeing what I'm building and neither have I had any problems hunting or completing quests. Some people, (not me), like playing this game in a role-playing way and some like to play by mimicking reality. Truth is we all play for different reasons and all have our differing opinions on the various tweaks and modifications that Firefly makes to the game. This is just my opinion.

# 26


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

Well, I'm glad I didn't mention getting shot and actually dying in real life...

# 27



4 năm trước

I found something that a Rain in desert? How it can be? There should be rain in desert but there's a more much rain. I don't have any problem but telling you.

# 28



4 năm trước

I thought that in game the Magical Chest should be there. If we open it and in chest search option and what will we search the object should come related it. Like flower pot etc. the objects that are not in game.

# 29



4 năm trước

Block: A Angeldust block like a angeldust flag. On the block the design should be like angeldust heros.

# 30



4 năm trước

Heh, that's a pretty fun idea actually. Like the horse, bear and raven blocks, but with the logo stamped in it. Nice :D!

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 30

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