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Holo NPC

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 18

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3 năm trước

Holo NPC Heyy, I haven't been here in a while. Again the idea of the NPC slams the door, but I don't know (correct me if I'm wrong) I don't know if someone did something visual about how an NPC would be/look like. Why did I bring this back? Well, I was walking around City of Justice and Neferspi and I realized that it was kind of lonely to walk around the wonders and see the buildings without much "life", And that actually discouraged me from building more modern cities, because as I was building the streets, it became very empty, I felt there was something missing. Actually this is the trick of Valessi and Dragon Throat, I use nature and insects (butterflies and fireflies) to complete the scenario. Well I know it's hard to do this kind of thing, and the cuurrrent focus is in another thing, but I really feel like there's something missing as I walk through the wonders, And I'm here to put a little more pressure on the idea to move forward. Now the NPC. The idea is kind of simple, and again, I don't know if anyone thought or said exactly the same as me, so I will say what I was thinking. The idea is that the Holo NPC would be like the Holo Scroll, but instead of a floating scroll, it would be an NPC, that could be the scout or the builder etc. I see that the idea of customizing the NPC would be possible, by placing the Holo NPC on the floor, a small menu would open showing the customization options. Here are the images of how the Holo NPC would look like. Example - NPC Builder: Customization Menu: Customization The part of changing the appearance of the NPC was a little complicated to elaborate, but in the image above there is a small outline of how it would look like. The parts of the NPC would be divided as on the website, and the exchange of both colors and the parts would be like the holo color. The NPC name and text (the text is the message the NPC will say when the player steps on the Holo NPC) is easy to understand, just like the holo scroll. The placement of the pieces in the image above does not matter much, it can be changed to fit the game. About the price of the Holo NPC I don't really know about it, all of this can be changed over time to fit better... if it goes forward. This is just a excuse to add NPCs in my new project ;) And a way to bring life to buildings.

# 2



3 năm trước

It's true I also think about that a lot when I visit the wonders it is very empty for now I use the summoner of creatures to not seem too empty. Even so, it is still empty because there are no people walking in it, it is not a bad idea as you say but I also think that the summoners' people should also be able to walk if ff adds them to the game, or you could also make it have the ability to walk the creatures, so that there is more atmosphere in the streets and houses would be great

# 3



3 năm trước

I like the idea, I would use it in some of my buildings.

# 4


Loki The Witful

3 năm trước

I have never heard of the idea of the Holo NPC, but I love it already! I wish it was in the game. And I think I know how the Holo NPC people could walk, it can work like the photon conduit, but instead of the star moving it would be the Holo NPC person, and make the conduit like the mimic brick so that it well blend in with whatever it’s on.

# 5



3 năm trước

Thers a command for a npc "/sl1" or "/sl2" but you can only see it your self but i like the idie so all of us can see it.

# 6



3 năm trước

I made a topic about that a while ago : I suggest u check that out.

# 7



3 năm trước

Let me start off with: I like the idea. The way I see something like this working is having the photon imitator not only spawn creatures, but also 'NPC' versions of the four heroes. Customizing their appearance in-game will be too much trouble initially, I'd have to start simple. Next, I don't think I can write a perfect AI for NPCs, but I do think I can make a system where you can plot the path they walk along, with the potential of pausing and branching. It would work by placing "marker" blocks below the floor that the NPC scans and follows. Once an NPC has spawned, they will start scanning for nearby markers and walk to them, re-scanning when arriving at a "marker". They will walk in orthogonal directions and keep going until hitting markers. This way you can make circles, spirals, make 'em climb stairs, fall down ledges… everything goes as long as you have place for "markers". For branching, there would be an interaction with photon blocks. By making them solid or non-solid the "markers" can be hidden or revealed, making the NPC take a certain turn or not. You'd use existing blocks to create the NPC paths and choices. As for chat interaction and messages, I think holo scrolls should be the initial way to do so. It's not the best, but it would work without any changes or additional development time. Does something like that come close to a decent feature addition?

# 8



3 năm trước

We're almost reaching an agreement, I just see a little thing that bothers me. The plan of the NPC to be spawned with photon is not something that I see as efficient, as the player would have to activate a photon system to spawn the NPC, It is a manual work that many players will avoid, unless I make the players activate the system as soon as they arrive in wonder, but it would also not be efficient because many players have a low rendering distance. That's why I came up with the idea of the Holo NPC, the fake hero would stay there without having to be spawned manually, and I personally don't mind the metal base of the holo scroll and etc. In my post I don't talk about the NPC's activity, I just wanted to have them there. The activities of the NPC and the AI, is interesting but I don't ask for it right away, but I don't mind having it straight away, either since many players want this ;) I think that's it, in the end I just wouldn't like to have to spawn an NPC manually with photon.

# 9



3 năm trước

Neural Network A.I. the NPC's can be that and a person can hold a remote and tell them to stop and the player rates the NPC up to that point 1-1000 on how well the NPC did up to that point since stopping would generally mean a failure was involved 1-500/1000 would be the allowed rating, but on full completion a player can rate the full 1-1000, reason why the rating of 1000 system is so the Neural Net "NPC" can really fine tune it's learning. :)

# 10



3 năm trước

PS: this would mean each individual has to train them up, for just their accounts only, cuz different people want different things so making it global learning I dunno might make people rate lower as a trend develops, however "Group" training where like minded players that agree on Training a specific NPC a certain way and once complete is shared to public as a NPC that anyone can have/hire etc. :)

Bưu kiện 1–10 của 18

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