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Holo NPC

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–18 của 18

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# 11



3 năm trước

just to put it on top again ;)

# 12



3 năm trước

I like the idea of the photon marker, I can already see it working pretty well using photon blocks. That's a yes from me. > #8 Ruan4k > The plan of the NPC to be spawned with photon is not something that I see as efficient, ... , unless I make the players activate the system as soon as they arrive in wonder, but it would also not be efficient because many players have a low rendering distance. Yes, place an injector under the spawning point, Rob12 has this for his bunny at the 12 Kingdoms. Local render distance shouldn't matter, but you would need to create a loop underground evey now and then so your photons don't despawn.

# 13



3 năm trước

You don't need active photons once the NPC has spawned in my proposal. It actively scans for markers to continue its voyage. It will scan in front, to its left and to its right (not towards the back). Once it doesn't find any markers it'll pause. There will be a way for a photon circuit to then enable a marker so the NPC goes into a distinct direction. Every 'choice' can thus have at most three distinct outcomes: to the front, to the left, to the right. With markers you can converge those paths later on. Maybe ping me on the livestream tomorrow so we can take a look at what I mean.

# 14



3 năm trước

Yo! Here's the livestream for tomorrow where we can discuss the NPC idea: YouTube: Twitch: Steam: Be advised though: I have a bit of a cold and my voice might not make it through hours of fun. We'll see how long I can last.

# 15



3 năm trước

Ok, so in the stream we discuss more about these details. So far I see very good progress in this discussion. But again I will insist that spawning the NPC manually with photon is inefficient. But maybe I can change my mind over time ;)

# 16



3 năm trước

I see why it would be annoying, but doing it this way allows you to spawn an NPC when certain conditions are met. You can do some complex stuff with that. Gives you more control.

# 17



3 năm trước

Would be cool if the NPCs activated injectors and removers when they step on them, disappearing afterwards, same as photon balls.

# 18


Loki The Witful

3 năm trước

I have bin watching the stream and I like forwards right left for the Holo NPC and I get it. it is a simple program I play Some game with this kind of thing it is so simple. And I like the scan only when it is on the block.

Bưu kiện 11–18 của 18

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