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DEV: WebGL version

in English in Foren

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# 192



vor 13 Tagen

Trying to catch up, I played a bit with Webgl last week and one of the main things I noticed is the npcs names showing on the map. I didn't comment about it tho, but it was addressed during the stream. Yeah Firefly, in mobile devices the npc names are too much, mainly in a crowded place as Valessi: It is a cool thing tho, it's nice to have the npcs marked on the map. No idea how this should be approached. This actually gave me an idea of using an npc below the building and use it's name to mark a specific location on the map. So I named an npc "Lorena's house" to mark her house location: Two things: I feel the npc dots are too big. For the creatures I guess it's nice, but for the npc maybe it could be smaller? I got a screenshot to compare the player dot with the npc dot: As you can see in this screenshot, the minimap has some bits covered by the mobile buttons (in both visual options), I got the transparent so I could see the minimap.

# 193



vor 13 Tagen

Updated WebGL 'new' version: 1.) A priestess now always glows cyan on the map, even if she would be a fully new or higher level discovery. I think being able to pinpoint her location is important, and I want to downplay the fact that you can kill her. 2.) Textures are now queued up and loaded in an order similar to the native client. In practice this means the user interface parts are now loaded in first. 3.) Texture loading now drops load requests for textures that since have become invisible or unused. This means that things you should actually see are now loaded in much quicker. With these changes the WebGL version is perfectly playable on a 2mbit/s DSL connection after the initial game load. Testing is much appreciated as always, because I might have accidentally broken something. @Ruan4K: Thanks for the testing! Right now I'm halfway content with the 'Clear' button on the world map temporarily hiding NPC names. Otherwise I think your screenshots look perfectly acceptable, even with the overlapping touchscreen controls. I think it's fine that they are above other, less-important UI elements.

# 194


Loki The Witful

vor 12 Tagen

Sweet I did not see the update post till after I was in game and noticed the priestess glowing cyan. I do more testing 🤓

# 195



vor 5 Tagen

Updated WebGL 'new' version: A.) The minimap menu option now both enables and disables the minimap, as well as sets a size scaling factor for it. Values are currently: 'off', 50%, 75%, 100% ('normal'), 125%, 150%, 175% and 200%. Let me know if these are useful or if you want a size that isn't available. (At startup the minimap option value will be 'normal' (100%), but if you previously tested it might initially be set to 50%.) B.) The minimap and world map will now show a 'material unlockable' hint for the woodchips in the player's house. A tiny detail, but it's essential to make everything consistent for new players. Testing is appreciated as always!

# 196


Loki The Witful

vor 5 Tagen

Yo love the new sizing for the mini map that does not need me to resize the text. I did however notice a bug for the regular map in the void. If you zoom the map in and out, it will start layering the old map loads under the new ones. It is very odd; it might be even happening on the map outside the void, but we just can't see it because the normal world doe not have holes in it. void map bug images. For something unrelated to the void map bug. Quest creatures have a slight yellow or gold pulse to them on the mini-map, but it is very faint. Maybe it should be a little more noticeable perhaps brighter yellow or gold, something to make it pop out like how the priestess does with her cyan pulse. Just a thought.

# 197



vor 3 Tagen

Updated WebGL 'new' version: i.) Minimap rendering is fully rewritten. This needs testing. I want to hear about _any_ instance of the minimap not rendering correctly. ii.) Map holes like in The Void now render correctly again on the world map. Thanks to @Loki The Witful for reporting this! iii.) Minimap scaling options have been redesigned to be more useful. The default "normal" value has shifted a spot, so check the options menu if you played with this before. iv.) "Undiscovered area" map hints no longer show up in claimed lands (where you can't discover areas). v.) "Special" creature map markers now have a colored border similar to creature health bar borders. vi.) Priestesses in the real world now have a cyan health bar to consistently communicate their special status. vii.) Level numbers for higher level and quest creatures are now aligned a bit nicer. Testing much appreciated!

# 198


Alexi M

vor 3 Tagen

UI icons is broken for me pls can someone share here URL links to screenshot that i shared at DS cahat?

# 199



vor 3 Tagen

@Alexi M: You might have to refresh/reload as the icons have indeed changed. Your browser might be using a cached version of the file.

# 200


Loki The Witful

vor 3 Tagen

Okay I played with the new version of webGL and I have to say I have not ran into any issues so far in-fact I feel like the mini-map is running better and loading faster. As well I love how the new level creators / priestess show on the mini map! Priestess mini map image.

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