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Unclaim Flags?

in English in Forums

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7 years ago

We need a way to unclaim a Claim Flag. For reasons I'd rather not go into in case it gives people ideas. :P So, in the shop. 'Unclaim Flag'. Mostly cloned from Claim Flags but with reverse effect. Unclaims that spot when placed. Nominal price, say 100 Gold. 8K Gold was already sunk into the Claim Flag, so Unclaim is simply the logical counterpart. Immediately credits you one Claim Flag, or perhaps the 8K gold. Or perhaps by forms on the website. Similar to House demolition option, but for numbered Claims. So, thats it really.

# 2



7 years ago

Making the "unclaim flag" ONLY 100 gold AND getting a claim flag/gold back would be silly. It'd allow griefers to claim land all around your house, spamming blocks, swastikas, burning crosses, ect all around your base and once they get you to leave, they can just unclaim their claims for a small amount of gold, then just find someone else to claim grief again right away.

# 3



7 years ago

I do not see your point clare,they can do it already without claiming anything. It is not like you could buy infinite land space just to stop griefers around you... You have 24 claims after all and limited money.

# 4



7 years ago

Midori,you buy the 'unclaim flags' in shop for 100 coins. If You use 100 coins accidentally demolished your house and you need to spend another 8000 to reclaim land. So the point is,you wasted 8100 coins for nothing

# 5



7 years ago

Or griefers (built large blocks) around your house and claim all the wall,once you abandoned the land,the griefers can just demolish their houses and find someone else to do it again

# 6



7 years ago

Spectrum, you should read that again.

# 7



7 years ago

*Got surrounded by tons of walls around your base*

# 8



7 years ago

But the only thing i don't understand is,why swastikas,burning crosses were there

# 9



7 years ago

It doesn't effect your house by creating swastikas

# 10



7 years ago

To clarify your point, if you Unclaimed accidently, simply Claim again with the flag/gold credited to you. In effect the 'same' Claim Flag you bought originally. The 100 fee is just to MOVE that Claim Flag, a useability feature for the Claim Flag that you bought already. Ok? As for being walled in and so on, those are things I did not wish to mention here. Those cases can be reported.

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