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Safari front page bug fixed

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6 bulan lalu

I think I've just fixed a very long-standing website bug where you could not interact with the right side bar on the front page of the website in newer Safari versions. If you clear your cache and/or fully reload the website you should now be able to click and/or tap on the language selection, register button, sign-in form and so on when browsing on recent macOS and iOS devices :D I hope this doesn't mess up other browsers. So far it's looking exactly the same on older Safari, Firefox and Chrome. (Thanks to @Loki The Witful for co-reporting this bug a long time ago.)

# 2


Loki The Witful

6 bulan lalu

OMG!!! It works no more having to tap forums to fix the right side of the website!!! THANK YOU Firefly!!! you are an amazing!!!

# 3



6 bulan lalu

when I was doing web dev 15 years ago... everyone hated Safari b/c it was always an outlier... the only thing worst was IE.

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