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update ideas

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 94

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# 11



5 năm trước

read it. (as if I matter)

# 12



5 năm trước

Oi, don't be like that. I'm happy anyone reads it, but I would be even happier if I got a response and some thoughts about it.

# 13


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I appreciate your comment, Obi. I don't appreciate you looking up my skirt, though. 0_. Give me some pants, FF. As for a block being able to ride on the conveyor, it can be used for making a Lighthouse (an idea I had a few months ago)... where a light block can ride around the inside of a lighthouse and seen out the windows. There might be other ways to be creative. Removing some restrictions will improve exploration and creativity. As for there being clear blue water, doesn't Minecraft have it? Another idea... more designs for light blocks. Maybe, building blocks (i.e. marble, cobble, etc.) with smaller round lights in the center of them can be sold at the shop. I think they call that recessed lighting.

# 14


Alexi M

5 năm trước

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" so, right now there will be a lot of text. All themes will be divided into paragraphs and sub-paragraphs adjacent to them in order to keep order. I understand that not all the ideas from this list are destined to come true, but I will hope that in the future at least some of them will be recreated in the form in which I attached them. Maybe not everything that I will write will be similar to the topic for updates, but it is not. I will say WHAT SHOULD BE UPDATED OR CHANGED. ●Visual part -animations: 1) FPS camera mode is in a very primitive form, I would like the camera to be added to the game when it moves, jumps and performs other actions that set the player in motion, briefly - the viewbob. Even if in the 1993 DOOM, the developers were able to do this, then Firefly would be able to make it in his game. 2) FPS weapon animation. Also extremely simple and primitive. Already in 2019, not 2011, I would like to see something more sensible than waving a weapon like in minecraft. The warrior is waving his sword as if this sword has no weight at all, as if the sword is made of plastic, and the animations themselves are just ridiculous. The scout doesn’t have any reload animations, the arrows themselves appear on a crossbow, although in the third-person view mode it can be seen that she fully reloads the crossbow. About the remaining two classes, I will not speak. I would like to see more elaborate animations, as the builder sets his structures directly to the ground, recoil after a shot from a crossbow and further reloading with a scout, a real possession of cold weapons wit a warrior, how a sorceress waving his staff in a pattern. I understand that due to the mechanic it is simply impossible, but it can be combined with updates aimed at improving the balance and combat system, what will I talk about later. 3) Animations of characters from the third person. Perhaps this is my smallest claim, but still. Animations do not reflect the actions of the player, the animations are simply different. Moments of walking are interrupted by animations of strikes, shots and other third-party actions. Running animation is just an accelerated walking animation. Are there any ways to, for example, divide the player's model into several parts (legs/torso/arms/head or other combinations), so that each action in its own way affects different parts of the body. -graphics: 1) the shadows. Honestly, I am surprised that on 3D models, shadows work quite stably in quite good quality and resolution for openGL, but even under these conditions, shadows are still used in the game, which just obscure the texture of the block. I already offered you to add a tab of experimental settings, it will be correct if you add something that may work unstably, which I am talking about now. Try adding shadows to the game, but create a new tab for this option. You should not value performance, in the newest computers there are far from cheap component parts and hardware. 2) Anti-aliasing effect. you already know the reason. MSAA, FXAA, SSAA, wide choice, choose whatever you want. 3) Honestly, I am surprised at the absence in the game of such a simple effect as Bloom. Even if this effect works in post-processing mode, it will be great. Thanks to the reshade, I saw how much Angeldust can become more beautiful thanks to one effect. I have a living example of how this effect transforms the game right before your eyes - . It's perfect... 4) I would like a hand to be drawn along with the weapon, it would look very good :) . ●Gameplay -enemies 1) AI. They're totally stupid. It seems that in pursuing a player, only a couple of functions work for them - the pursuit itself, the jump if the surface is not higher than three blocks and the near or far attack, it doesn't matter. They just do not know how to bypass the walls, they do not see the routes to come close to the player. I hope you improve the AI in the future and give them the opportunity to create routes. 2) Why are there no warnings about the attacks? How do I know when the enemy is going to hit me? This is also one of the problems of that very balance. 3) The monsters themselves are very few in the game, for these are only often repainted textures. It looks very low quality and brazenly. And often the color does not fully convey the essence of the monster's abilities. I would like to see in the future instead of 27 types of monsters with repainting 2 or 3 times as many different types that will have their tactics and abilities. Speaking of repainted monsters - in addition to changing color, add more elements to the body, for acid monsters add acid that drains from their body, for electric monsters add a characteristic aura or lightning sprouts on the body etc. -balance: 1) Truly imbalanced imbalance. Some monsters at one moment are just able to take off more than half of player's health. some classes do sometimes just can not kill some types of monsters. Is it possible to play alone for the warrior to kill the hydra alone? - No. Is it possible to kill a nimboss by playing for a sorceress? - Partially possible, but it will be more of a torment. It is necessary to give classes such opportunities so that it is not limited in combat with all possible monsters. -combat: 1) balance again. all the information above. 2) again - I would like to see something more than the same type of waving. I would like the warrior to strike the sword in such a way that each blow was directed in different directions, and at the same time you felt that the weapon had weight, that this weapon could really hurt. I would like the scout to get a return when firing a crossbow, after which he tightened the string and charged the bolt, and yes, I know that this will lower the efficiency of the class, but just enough to increase the damage per shot. I would like that when the builder put the device, he stopped to put it on the ground and activate it beforehand, and at the same time, he had the opportunity with a hammer to extend the operation time of the devices, I would like him to have visibility of those places where you can put the device so that it does not intersected with the other. I would like, the sorceress, like all other classes, had a larger weapon arsenal and not auxiliary tools (this is quite an unfair moment), I would like her projectiles to instantly injure an enemy with a direct hit. And naturally all this was with good animation accompaniment: D. 3) I would like each class to have its own special method. You need to remove the spade on the RMB and put that very special method on this key. A warrior will have a shield that will heal him when an enemy hits his head, but at the same time the enemy will be healed along with the player. No recharge, running while player holds RMB. A scout will have a stealth cloak, using which the enemy will see only 50% of his field of view. At the same time, the scout will be healing, but the debuff of this cloak is a slowdown in the speed of movement, the scout will move 4 times less, and the acceleration will not work while you are wearing the cloak. running for 2 minutes or before pressing RMB again, recharge lasts 1 minutes. The builder will have the ability to "strengthen the structure" - he can improve the device when using an amplifier (that red fist, you should know this), or perhaps a little more. At the same time - an improved device after going into standby or destruction mode will cure as many HP as it killed monsters (1 monster - 20% health). Rechange lasts 5 sec. The sorceress will have "pearl of instability" - a red pearl, which 2 seconds after activation causes enormous damage to monsters within a radius of 5-10 blocks. Recharge lasts 5 minutes. -more for classes 1) Add tesla-tower for builder. Just do it, it's good addition for this class. Tesla-tower will attack enemies in a radius of 5 blocks, while it will attack the maximum possible number of enemies in its field of action. What you think about that? :) 2) Good old idea about a pirate class. The main weapon of this class is a firearm (there will be an exception in the form of a saber and a broken bottle). Basic weapon - broken glass - hurt with power like builder's hammer; Musket - fast speed, small damage, medium reload, low recoil, 1 shot. Purchased weapon - sable - hurt with power like basic warrior's sword, but more sluggish; revolver ( ) - medium speed, medium damage, long reload, medium recoil, 6 shots; shotgun - fast speed, high damage, medium reload, high recoil, 2 shots; electric shotgun - medium speed, medium damage, very fast reload, very high recoil, 4 shots; rifle - very long speed, very high damage, long reload, epic recoil, 16 shots; plasma pistol model-1 ( ) - fast speed, medium damage, very fast reload, low recoil, 4 shots; EPICLY POWERFUL OBI'S RAINBOW MULTI-PLASMA PISTOL-SHOTGUN-RIFLE-REVOLVER-TRANSFORMER - epicly fast speed, epic damage, epicly fast reload, epicly low recoil, epicly a lot of shots; flamethrower - epicly fast speed, low damage (per 1 projectile), long reload, no recoil, running near 10 sec. That's all. 3) More weapons for sorceress, again. -world 1) Villages. and, in general, various structures in which one could learn the lore of the game, learn more about the history of the world and nations. 2) new part of world after 512 lvl - ocean. Have a completely new flora and fauna, different from what the player could see on the surface, this world will be inhabited by peaceful fishes who do not want to harm the player, as well as the terrifying deep ones that came from the depths of R'lyeh to bear destruction. To survive in this world, you will need to look for sources of oxygen, because the oxygen supply will be enough for only 5 minutes. In the ground, it will be possible to find crust fracture, from which there will be burning streams due to magma. Also, the underwater world will harbor the most secret and majestic ruins of the world Angeldust. At this place, the player will move 2 times slower, 2 times slower to jump and fall, but for some reason he will be able to jump 2 times higher. The further you go into the depths of the ocean, the darker the environment becomes, but the more varied fairy-tale flora and fauna you can find. 3) NPCs and quests - Every self-respecting player must remember WoW :D . 4) waterfalls, lakes, wide rivers. 5) Dungeons. Rogue-lite dungeons. 6) Cave generation 7) Nexus, or common starting spawnpoint. in fact, you already have a living example of it - the city that built Space is green. Perfect land for that idea. -blocks and building theme: 1) burnt blocks. There are no full blocks in the game that would convey the appearance of the destruction of the building. 2) More types of stone. Granite, marble rocks, mineral stones etc. 3) gems. I want to enrich the caves, show their untouched view. 4) Ores. Yes, for caves too. 5) More dead vegetation, dead trees, dead grey grass, well, i think you understood. 6) More liquids. I would like to see the acid block, the block of swamp water and other liquid blocks. 7) More industrial blocks, or steam-punk blocks. 8) More light blocks, more different types of lanterns. 9) Tree block and foliage block, vine block, for custom trees. -the gameplay itself: 1) B 1.1) A 1.2) L 1.3) A 1.4) N 1.5) C 1.6) E 2) Removing claimed lands. After removing your claimed land, you will return 50% of the purchase (500 coins). 3) More ways to get coins. Getting coins only from killing monsters or playing with friends - not perfect option... 4) More gameplay parts and elements. The game is extremely boring, and, perhaps, I remember it only because of a really good, sometimes even beautiful generation of the world and a good building system. New mechanics must be introduced into the game, which would fuel interest in the game. the solution for both this and the previous point is the following idea. Mine mode - the telecharger will have a new tab for this mode. The essence is simple - the mine is updated every 30 minutes. In the mine to extract various materials. The mine is multi-level and absolutely random, there can be both jewels and dangers in it. the player’s arsenal itself is a pickaxe, a telecharger (wherever it is without him), ice axes (in order to follow the walls), a hammer (for a geode), Hunting knife, lanterns (in limited quantities, maximum 20 pieces). Enemies in a cave/mines is cave bats, overgrown beetles, phantoms, trolls, ogres. While the player is in the mines, the telecharger will not allow the player to sell resources, the device will light in a characteristic red color. If a player dies in the mines, he will lose all the resources he found. At the entrance to the mines there will be a typical NPC from whom it will be possible to buy lights to illuminate dark places in the caves, powerful picaxes and once more. In the cave/mines you can find a lot of different jewels, ranging from cheap quartz and ending with all sorts of rare ores and jewels 5) Yep, ocean again. I think, it's all... -Alex makarov

# 15


Alexi M

5 năm trước


# 16


Alexi M

5 năm trước

I seem to be mad lol

# 17


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

In a world with no Claimed Lands... wouldn't griefers and anarchists start destroying our creations?

# 18


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Compromise on the subject of Claimed Lands... Perhaps, FF can allow all players to build on lands that aren't claimed, and still make it possible to claim land, so that only the owner can build on it.

# 19



5 năm trước

for the record: I've killed many Hydras as a solo sorceress. (dual logged sorcs are best: air shield + havoc) (Cluster bunnies too for that matter) The one you cannot kill solo as a sorceress is: the "Dawn nimboss" (see page 15 on Creatures) ... although ALL nimboss (with the exception of the new pink Legendary "Rose nimboss") is like shooting fish in a barrel if you have 2 computers, 2 accounts, and a scout/sorceress duo :D (air shield + arrows)

# 20



5 năm trước

Also, there are burned blocks in game ... just not player place-able. go fight a Hydra in Frostbite barrens or Frozen shards... by the end of the fight you'll be standing in burnt snow!

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 94

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