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update ideas

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 81–90 của 94

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# 81



5 năm trước

Translation of the last post Since I think it's pretty cool to add is not a game of a function like mounts for example: the horse is a faster mount and what is more for time, the bear is a slower mountain and is one that is more difficult and so on giving a function for each mount. Also explore the caves to explore and giant monsters to defeat, and a faster, faster map, and a better way to manage the terrains that make us up. and this time we have to listen to use the tele download is VERY BORING !!!

# 82



5 năm trước

Uhh, I think what you were trying to say was lost in translation.

# 83


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

@Hummm... Not all land are created equal. For example, I've yet to see anyone buy Swamp land to build their structures. I don't believe the Desert, Splintered Woodland (and a number of others) are that popular, either. Mountains aren't that popular to build on, either, because of A.D.'s ceiling. So, with that in mind, there are a lot less land, that players would want to claim, than you might think.

# 84



5 năm trước

Thats true I guess, most people just go for easy to build on areas that are colorful and dont have a million trees. Id love to build on mountains myself, tho like you said the height limit is limiting.. Even if we say that 50% of areas are "unclaimable" theres enough land for even hundrets of thousands players who could have thousands of claims and never run out of good land. Plus the village is so big that we probably wont ever even fill up the first ring. Maybe Firefly can pull up some stats about how much of the land has been claimed or modified?

# 85


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

If there are players like me... with hundreds of accounts and w/ 1000s of claims, the prime land might be taken fairly quickly.

# 86



5 năm trước

Exchange clamis? Yes, would be gret. Give gold? No reason, there is planty of animals to hunt, daily bonus, daily mission, stream hunt with high level mobs... Delete claims for not active accounts? No, as said before, I have many alts, I won't to see someone owning my build / build deleted because I forgot to log-in an account for few months. At least a claim ownership should remain if there are active players who have permissions to build on it. @Kamikaze Justice My (inner) castle is built in swamp :)

# 87



5 năm trước

(uh sorry the terrible typo)

# 88


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

@Moniq Building in the Swamp is far from being the rule, and more the exception. An educated guess is, most of your builds are elsewhere.

# 89



5 năm trước

Let me go over those numbers one more time .... there are currently just over 268,000 accounts, let's call it a cool 1/4 million. If 4x that people start playing, that would be a nice 1 million accounts. If the land was divided equally amongst the 1 million accounts, every player would get to choose from 274,000+ claims. (why in the world do people have to claim in my hunting grounds?!?!?) Now let's say 10%... no, 1% become donors. That's $330,000... I'm thinking if "we" get there, FF will expand the available land. Either way, I promise, you don't have to worry about running out of "prime" real estate.

# 90


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I'm actually not worried at all about running out of land to buy, today. It's the future of the game that I'm thinking about, not my personal wishes. You assume, everyone that's playing today will continue to play later, so why not just leave their accounts alone? If this game is fortunate enough to stay viable and increase in popularity, the game won't benefit from having tens of thousands of dead accounts, nor having 1000s of claimed lands that have become like orphans. Also, you're not in the position of promising anything, since you're not the game's creator, and you have no idea how popular this game will get. As for YOUR hunting grounds, I didn't see your name written anywhere, so, how in the world was I to know, that I was buying land near or IN YOUR HUNTING GROUNDS? I've already told you once, that I didn't know you hunted nearby, and now I know, you don't believe me, because you're bringing it up again. Obi talked to me about it (or gave me the 3rd Degree), also, and I told him, that I didn't know about you having a hunting ground anywhere near where I was buying land. BTW... I still didn't know exactly where this "hunting grounds" was, until you said, I was claiming land "IN" your hunting grounds. I only know, that it's nearby because you told me so. You seem to think, that I'm spying on you, so I must know what you're doing. I'm not spying on you, nor do I care what you're plans are in this game. I'm just playing the game... so if I see land I like, then I'll claim it. If you don't want someone to buy your hunting grounds, then claim the land around it and build walls so nobody can claim it. Just don't make unfounded accusations when someone is just playing the game. Don't worry Hummm, I'll remove you from my "friends" list so there will be know doubt, that I'm not trying to sabotage YOUR hunting grounds, or anything else.

Bưu kiện 81–90 của 94

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