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update ideas

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 71–80 của 94

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# 71



5 năm trước

yes, plain text files with line orientated data... suitable for use with grep and the other standard command line utilities.

# 72


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I don't know if this would work... but, create Pillar shape blocks. They might be used to create larger diameter pillars or add round corners on buildings, etc... or create something that is different, or cooler.

# 73



5 năm trước

Now I thought that for new update firefly should do this. 1] If another friend want to donate gold to his friend you should make a option, near player name is telecharger. If Alex want to use bad waord to me then he should not talk.

# 74



5 năm trước

Transferring gold/coins is not something that I want to add since I'd like to encourage everyone to play the game for themselves.

# 75


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

This was brought up before... but, I think the game would benefit if we were able to sell land back to the game (if there are no landscaping or construction done on that land). There is no problem at the moment, but if there is nothing done, a few years from now, wouldn't there eventually be a high demand on certain types of land? Good or bad, this system could also be used to trade land for land between honest players. I brought this up, also... to make available, more land for players, perhaps it makes sense to have accounts to be deleted, along with all the claimed land by that account, if the owners don't log-in to the game after of SIX months of inactivity... or, even make a year. It would be goodbye, inactive griefers, and more land for those that are playing the game. Such land wouldn't need to have the landscaping and construction deleted. It would certainly make it hard for players (like me) to keep a hold of our many accounts. I know that you're a busy guy, Firefly, but I still had to clear my mind of these ideas. Maybe, something here makes sense.

# 76



5 năm trước

@KJ, I am not telling about land's. I am telling that if our friend need a help for gold, then if we want to give then we should give him.

# 77



5 năm trước

Well if the claim is untouched, I dont see why we shouldnt be able to resell it to the game. The inactivity deletion is a bad idea tho, imagine if some old player came back to the game and wanted to play again...only to find out that everything they have worked for is deleted.

# 78


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

If a person doesn't want their accounts deleted, maybe, they should think about logging into the game before they're deleted? It's not that hard to log-in before a year is up... unless they're really not that interested anymore, or don't care. Give all accounts a 2 year grace period for logging in if 1 year doesn't seem to be enough. If structures got deleted, they aren't tangible... and not real. Other games have time limits before accounts are deleted. A popular game called, Diablo II, has a 6 month limit for logging in, and I missed it... and all of my wonderful intangible possessions that I accumulated over a 5 year period, from many accounts, were deleted. I'm looking at this from the viewpoint of the game creators, and I understand it. Don't you think, something has to be done about dead accounts, since the A.D. world doesn't have unlimited land to build on, or does it? The game will not endure if 1000s of dead accounts aren't deleted, and their claimed lands aren't foreclosed by the game, imo... especially if/when A.D. gets as popular as many other games on the internet.

# 79



5 năm trước

@KJ .. if EVERY human on earth played AD, everyone could own > 30 claims... there is NO shortage of land. That being said, I, more than ANYONE, wish there was a path to unclaim land.

# 80



5 năm trước

Uma coisa que eu acho que seria muito legal para adicionar no game é da uma função as montarias por exemplo: o cavalo ser a montaria mais rápida e a que corre por mais tempo, o urso ser a montaria mais lenta e ser a que da mais dano e assim por diante dando uma função para cada montaria. Também gostaria de ver dungeons para explorar e monstros gigantes para derrotar, e um mapa mais eficaz que carregue mais rápido, e uma maneira melhor de administrar os terrenos que nos compramos, pois os terrenos que compramos antes da atualização estão sem nome e n tem como colocar um. e esse tempo que temos que esperar pra usar o tele carregar é MUITO CHATO!!!

Bưu kiện 71–80 của 94

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