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update ideas

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 61–70 của 94

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# 61



5 năm trước

I see no use in more gold, unless you want to catch Hummm. Want mine? btw: 'Play together' bonus is available every day, as well as a new mission... ehm...

# 62



5 năm trước

However, besides all other my ideas that were not implemented yet :), I can add these about the web: - List animals in a tables (one animal per line, more animals per page) - Filter and sorting for animals ("I want to see just bears now by number of kills...") - Maybe some hunting statistics ("which animal do I hunt most often?") - Please, better friends management (like I suggest for animals), also a note would be useful ("my alt", "Hummm's alt"...) - Can I see list of accounts registered on my e-mail?

# 63



5 năm trước

@Moniq: I have some Python/selenium scripts that pull all your creatures (from the web site) into a flat text file (perfect for creating the lists you asked for) I have shared them w/ Firefly. If you PM me your email address I'll share them w/ you. (they run best from the command line Linux/MacOSX) I can also share my generic flat files if you'd like. FF no longer stores your email address (actually because of your input.) He turns your email into a (oneway) hash and only stores the hash .. he might be able to provide a list of all the accounts with a given hash.

# 64



5 năm trước

@FF .. one possible solution that would prevent hackers ... after you login, have a button that displays all account (names only) that have the same hash as the currently logged in account.

# 65



5 năm trước

@Hummm I can suck those data from the web myself and allow others to use such app as well, however I would prefer to have it part of the web. It is not important if he stores address as plain text or a hash. All addresses are same, thus same hash for each one (as you also mention in your following post).

# 66



5 năm trước

Yes, it would great to be part of the web... but I'd rather FF work on getting 3.2 released ;) ... also, not that FF doesn't write great code or not have great UI's ... but I doubt he'd get a presentation exactly how you/everyone would agree is perfect. flat files, OTOH let you put the data how it BEST suits your needs.

# 67



5 năm trước

Or what about an API to read character details? Based on some hash-keys or something.

# 68



5 năm trước

What you mean by flat files Hummm?

# 69



5 năm trước

This might be WAY more than what you wanted ... I put a ton of AD data into directories and files ... so I have a directory called areas .. and under that a file per area (spaces in file names is bad) $ ls areas/* areas/ArcticWastes areas/DiamondValley areas/NeonWilderness areas/Tundra areas/AuroraGlaciers areas/FloatingSands areas/Pinewood areas/WonderwellOasis areas/BlackrockDunes areas/Forest areas/Rainforest areas/ZenMarsh areas/ChaosJungle areas/FrostbiteBarrens areas/RazorFen areas/discover areas/ChilledWoods areas/FrozenShards areas/Savannah areas/loa areas/CottonGreenwood areas/Grasslands areas/SnowyMounds areas/trees areas/CrystalHighlands areas/IcyTimberland areas/SplinteredWoodland areas/Desert areas/MarbleHills areas/Swamp within each file there is one creature file line ... $ head area/Forrest Forest: Rock, Dirt, Grass, Elm, Birch, Oak Gray grouse Pheasant Frog Trapper Tarpan Beatlebird Bronc Sterling wolf so if I want to know where to find Sterling wolf .. I do this: $ grep Ster area/* areas/ArcticWastes:Sterling wolf areas/AuroraGlaciers:Sterling wolf areas/ChilledWoods:Sterling wolf areas/CottonGreenwood:Sterling wolf areas/CrystalHighlands:Sterling wolf areas/DiamondValley:Sterling wolf areas/Forest:Sterling wolf areas/FrozenShards:Sterling wolf areas/Grasslands:Sterling wolf areas/IcyTimberland:Sterling wolf areas/MarbleHills:Sterling wolf areas/Pinewood:Sterling wolf areas/Savannah:Sterling wolf areas/SplinteredWoodland:Sterling wolf areas/WonderwellOasis:Sterling wolf of course you could clean it up a bit (eg to post in youtube chat when FF asks where they're found) echo $(grep Ster areas/* | cut -d/ -f2 | cut -d: -f1) ArcticWastes AuroraGlaciers ChilledWoods CottonGreenwood CrystalHighlands DiamondValley Forest FrozenShards Grasslands IcyTimberland MarbleHills Pinewood Savannah SplinteredWoodland WonderwellOasis I also keep track of mobs killed on each account ... I have a directory per account, then a file (timestamped file name with a symbolic link 'l' to the the most recent file) per "session" if I diff any two files I can tell how many of and what creatures I killed ... here's Hummmster's diff output: (the last column is the number killed of tha type, the second to last number is the discovery bonus, which also identifies legendaries) $ ../dl2 Hummmster tot 2519000 gain 15997 onhand 1957750 spent 561250 Level 615 gain 3 page 1 2 Pheasant 690 1 page 1 3 Frog 310 4 page 1 6 Trapper 710 7 page 1 11 Tarpan 570 4 page 1 15 Bronc 570 4 page 2 19 Nihicorn 1020 2 page 2 29 Sterling wolf 690 16 page 2 30 Cave bear 630 13 page 2 34 Grave raven 710 3 page 2 36 Rock roamer 630 2 page 3 37 Jaguar 470 21 page 3 39 Late bloomer 670 11 page 3 40 Leap frog 630 1 page 3 41 Mountain moa 630 1 page 3 42 Garden snake 610 1 page 3 44 Thundercat 550 3 page 3 46 Wood raven 410 1 page 3 48 King lion 1020 1 page 3 49 Fox wolf 570 2 page 4 55 Rabid wolf 650 9 page 4 59 Callisto bear 1020 2 page 4 62 Plain roamer 690 1 page 4 64 Rabid bear 330 1 page 5 81 Bullfrog 570 1 page 5 89 Trump snake 630 1 page 6 98 Boulderdasher 630 1 page 6 102 Raven 450 1 page 7 111 Snow moa 550 1 page 7 116 Night watch trapper 730 3 page 7 119 Shock roamer 650 2 page 8 130 Shock croc 690 3 page 8 132 Shock weedler 550 1 page 8 135 Overgrower 570 2 page 8 141 Black mamba 530 2 page 9 150 Smolder frog 290 2 page 10 171 Waste roamer 370 2 page 12 207 Kombat Scorpion 290 1 page 15 260 Shockling 290 2 also ... I can quickly tell what account needs (hasn't discovered yet) any specific creature... $ grep 'Ele' */l | grep '???' roadsterq/l:page 13 223 Elephantastic ??? Level 0 not yet x 0 roadsterr/l:page 13 223 Elephantastic ??? Level 0 not yet x 0 roadsters/l:page 13 223 Elephantastic ??? Level 0 not yet x 0 roadstert/l:page 13 223 Elephantastic ??? Level 0 not yet x 0 roadsteru/l:page 13 223 Elephantastic ??? Level 0 not yet x 0 roadsterv/l:page 13 223 Elephantastic ??? Level 0 not yet x 0 anyway, this way more info than you wanted.. but it demonstrates the power of flat files

# 70



5 năm trước

So by 'flat files' you mean data you have collected in files?

Bưu kiện 61–70 của 94

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