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Angeldust v3.3

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 53

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# 21



5 năm trước

It is too soon, I am still not done with basic photon blocks. I am curious if the block with numbers have any other use than showing a number. Why not letters? Why not a block with colors / coloured lights? Would be very useful for my pseudo-computer :P Horizontal pipe blocks are great, I wonder if it can carry a photon :)

# 22


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I guess, I'm the only person that likes "automatic"... just step on the Injector and the creature pops out, ready to fight all comers. Can't get anymore compact and logical than that.

# 23



5 năm trước

I am trying to make a combat arena where I would spawn a creature and have the player locked in a cage type of thing. Which the player would be released from upon killing the spawned creature. I have encountered 2 problems that are making it hard for me to get it working correctly. The first is not really to do with photon's but with the glass cage I have constructed around the arena. I have found that staggering the glass blocks on top of each other like the example below. Let's say the following sets of brackets are the glass blocks that are staggered. Eg [] [] [] This allows photons to pass through my wall between the blocks at the top and bottom edges. So now I will have to rebuild the walls but the whole point in me staggering the glass that way was to achieve a domed shape roof and walls that spectators can see through. However, if I were to change the walls by adding another layer of glass like this eg [][] [][] [][] That would fix the first problem but makes the walls very thick and also hard to see through. Which limits how creative you can be when building an enclosure like an arena. You basically have to have walls of glass that are straight with very few curves or corners. The second problem is when you kill a creature, the photon ball that is spawned is free to roam wherever it wants and the location it spawns at is the location where the creature was killed. So if you want that photon ball to trigger a switch to open a door. You basically have to kill the creature right on top of the switch. Then after testing it by killing a creature right above my switch, it still did not trigger the switch. Instead, it would just hover above or next to it. Any attempt to push the photon ball onto the switch saw it float away in another direction. Any help by anyone about this would be great, thanks.

# 24



5 năm trước

My examples did not show up the way I wanted them too darn it. Hope you can understand what I'm saying without them.

# 25



5 năm trước

Let me come take a look.

# 26



5 năm trước

Thanks Obi.

# 27



5 năm trước

@Rob, obi and others: I've thought up a potential solution for the ball-in-the-hole problem—once a photon ball touches a conveyor belt it will lose its momentum. Does that make sense? This way you can build a conveyor-belt strip that is easier to hit than a single block. And you don't have to build a funnel either. I can also make it so that the ball horizontally snaps to the center of the conveyor belt so you know exactly where it will end up.

# 28



5 năm trước

That sounds promising Firefly, the second part with the snap to center will help the photon ball hit the nominated target.

# 29



5 năm trước

Or I was thinking it might be clever of you to make either a sensor part which absorbs a photon ball and then transfers its energy to a photon conduit?

# 30



5 năm trước

Or I was going to say make the conduit itself able to absorb a photon ball and transfer its energy and direction but that might make other machines misbehave so that would be out of the question. So maybe the sensor part, so that you don't have to have a conveyor belt?

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 53

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