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Angeldust v3.3

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 53

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# 11


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I noticed, also, that when two creatures get too close to each other, one will die. That wouldn't work well for a castle moat, or a zoo.

# 12



5 năm trước

They are hologramic imitations, when you hit them they loose their distance dependance and you can have a moat :)

# 13



5 năm trước

I have a bunch of things to say about this update, gonna wait till the livestream.

# 14



5 năm trước

I have only briefly played with the new photon blocks so I can't say anything about them yet except that I like them and want to play with them more when I have time. On the Tree Bark and sideways pipes, "Bravo", they are wonderful additions to the game and thank you for adding them. I know we just had an update but I'd like to suggest for next time, colored photon blocks that you configure by typing in a number. So that we can make party lights and really do some nice night time decoration. Also, a corroded steel beam that molds to shape like the steel and gold ones would be nice. But I love what you have done already.

# 15


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I don't think I should have to hit the cloned creatures to trigger them to fight, or else it's not really automatic. After all... isn't that what stepping on the Photon Injector all about... to make the actions automatic after that?

# 16



5 năm trước

@Moniq: the limit is still four photons per claim. I think that's a pretty good balance between enabling lots of creative possibilities while also keeping complexity in check. @Kamikaze Justice: I want the photon imitator to work both for 'statues' in a museum or zoo, but also for targets in a battle arena. If your museum exhibits move around they lose a lot of aesthetic value. Second reason for attack-to-activate is to make sure newbies don't get massacred when visiting a build. Otherwise it's too easy to troll someone and rack up their debt. @obi: you are completely right about this being holographic projections made of photons. The imitations will not be able to affect the game world since they're supposedly made out of light. So you can be sure the area surrounding your build(s) will be unaffected by imitations. I added a limit on the number of imitated creatures by making them crumble when getting too close. Akin to the builder's devices and photon balls. I get the appeal of having two hundred crocodiles waiting to be slaughtered, but that's not going to happen just yet! Activated, hostile imitations also crumble in or near the village to prevent 'training' them and killing all new players along the way.

# 17



5 năm trước

For creature I have Idea. In desert you should add camel. And In grassland deer and tiger should be. And how we hunt creatures like that non-veg eater animal should hunt animal like deer. It just my Idea think if you want to do, but I think this idea should be added.

# 18


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

A museum is the last thing on my need-to-do list... like about No. 299. My ideas just got blown up... no active zoo creatures... no active moat creatures... no active coliseum creatures to fight... no traps :( Plenty of statues, though. Aren't our buildings unaffected by the real creatures, also? So, if the "imitations" (I'll still call them "clones") become aggressive, it makes no difference. Also, they'll end up despawning anyway, just like the real creatures. I didn't realize the newbies were such snowflakes. At least, when I was a newbie, the creatures didn't have a chance. These downers, after getting excited, isn't good for my disposition. It's a thrill to think of what might have been.

# 19



5 năm trước

I wouldn't say these are not active creatures when they activate with just a single hit. Then they are as active as the real deal. It gives a player more agency like with the auto-following mount change that I reverted. I've included a way to force a battle on a player, I'm not sure if you already found it. Upon killing an imitated creature it spawns a photon ball. You can make sure this ball is required for the player to progress by placing a receptacle somewhere that opens a photon block door. If someone else has thoughts on the current design of the photon imitator and the imitated creatures, please post here. It's always good to hear everyone's thoughts.

# 20



5 năm trước

I don't see an issue with the imitator really, seems to work logically and in the most compact way. If having the spawned creatures be agressive is something important, you could do something like with the photon blocks, you put in "#(number of creature)" and the "#" will make them agressive. Not necessarily a #, but some symbol.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 53

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