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Angeldust v3.3

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 31–40 của 53

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# 31



5 năm trước

An alternative idea was a 'photon vacuum' that would attract photon balls and shoot out a photon when it got one. But I'll first try the conveyor belt idea to see if it's workable, that way I wouldn't have to add a new block just for this.

# 32



5 năm trước

The conveyor belt setup works like a charm, so I'll add that for the next update. The build is like this: at the end of a conveyor belt, place a photon injector/remover. Leave one block open above it, then add a block above that one. Here's a picture: The left blocks and faucet are for demo purposes. As soon as a photon ball gets on the conveyor, it'll be pushed onto the right trigger plate. Heroes can't trigger the injector/remover since they are two blocks tall, but the photon ball can cram in between there. Thanks to the conveyor belt it'll get pushed in automatically.

# 33



5 năm trước

Thanks for the setup picture and description Firefly, I'll try experimenting with it.

# 34



5 năm trước

I've just coded the change and it works really beautifully. To make it even more visually consistent, the photon will no longer jump on the conveyor belt, but stick to it like if it's magnetized. This look pretty cool as it gets dropped onto the photon injector/remover block. You can make integrated drop zones like this: By adding or removing conveyor belts you can tweak the aesthetics and size of the drop zone to make it perfect. Should I roll this change out later today? Does anyone see problems with the new mechanic where photon balls stick to the conveyor belts?

# 35



5 năm trước

I don't see any problem as long as the conveyor does not suck in balls from too far away. Like kicking own goals in Photon Soccer for example.

# 36



5 năm trước

Good change, now people don't need a 4 block hole to get a ball onto a conveor. I like it. Don't make the conveors suck in anything, balls should only stick if they go on top of the conveor.

# 37



5 năm trước

I like the idea of a vacuum ... not requiring a block (series of blocks) to direct a photon ball... will the ball regain momentum if the conveyor ends? I've also been experimenting with gravity. A photon ball seems to be the fastest falling thing in game... although it's hard to get the timing just right. Additionally, a photon (thus block elevator) is the fastest rising thing in game, unfortunately, the bouncing that occurs on the ride up, causes the top block to light before the 2nd to the top preventing the rider from actually reaching the top. Any way to make the ride up smooth? I didn't realize a photon ball would trigger a photon block either, is that new?

# 38



5 năm trước

The photon ball is the fastest to transmit a pulse downwards, and the most compact way to delay a pulse(conveor + ball = slow). Balls are very useful. The elevator issue you're talking about is unknown to me... are you trying to push the ball up an elevator? Photon balls have always triggered photon blocks, from the start. I used this feature to make a photon ball checker before the interaction with the injector and remover was introduced.

# 39



5 năm trước

My elevators always seem to light in order however the character on them jumps up with each step and then lands a bit after the next step lights. At least I think he lands after because the photon moves faster than the character under gravity. Is that how it happens Hummm? Or is it the other way around? Anyway, it seems to result in the character finishing just below the target surface level when the elevator stops.

# 40



5 năm trước

There also seems to be a "sideways" attraction of balls to photon blocks... and the limit of 1 ball per claim seems to be divided into the upper half and lower half of the claim, and older balls survive an attempted creation of a new ball, as opposed to photons where the oldest (over the limit of 4) dies first.

Bưu kiện 31–40 của 53

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