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ATTN: (Wonder) builders!

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Bưu kiện 11–20 của 72

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# 11



5 năm trước

I am using it very often. And while you talk about placing blocks... A) could you add an option that will make my crosshair never fade off? Just the crosshair. When I build quickly, the fact it keeps appearing and disappearing force me to focus more. I would at least like to try how it is when i always see the crosshair (when I have a "block to build in hands"). B) sometimes I am annoyed by placing blocks on more distant places, typically inside a hole. I can see a side of a block I wish to "attach" new block to, however position of "cube in hands" (cube that "previews" where the block will be placed) won't jump on that place but keeps on a block closer to me. I usually have to remove that block first to be able to reach the position I want. It is hard to describe and I have no video made and I also have no good solution. But it breaks the building flow.

# 12



5 năm trước

@Moniq: I think B is exactly the indirect targeting problem. If your desired crosshair position is out of reach, it'll try to place a block close to you, where there is room. Can you look at my image 2 from post 7 and check in practice if you see the highlighted cube face when you're in this situation? As for A: I already added that for Angeldust v3.4. Expect a big revamp and polishing pass of the building workflow and interface. I want the next update to right some very old wrongs. That's why I still kinda want to drop indirect targeting, but I need all accurate feedback I can get. Others: also please look at image 2 from post 7 and recheck and reevaluate your earlier statements. I don't mind keeping things the way they are, but I think everything could be much better.

# 13



5 năm trước

I, for one, still don't even notice the "target" I solely focused on the wire frame of where the block is to be placed. If you can make that "smarter", I support that.

# 14



5 năm trước

If you remove indirrect targeting, how do we make bridges when we can't move easily to the edge of the blocks to target the block edge? How we bridge now: Bridging without using indirrect targeting and moving to the edge by repeateably going forward/back/left/right to get the right angle: I think indirrect targeting is an upgrade to building, other games solve it by having an easy way to move to block edges to see around corrners. Angeldust solves it quite elegantly. Sure I also sometimes have what happend to Moniq happen to me, it can be annoying, I can live with it. I suggest making a build with the updated building and showcasing it on a livestream, where we can more clearly see why and how you would fix it.

# 15


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

I use both direct and indirect targeting for building. If I'm understanding this properly, I use indirect a lot, where I'll use blocks on the other side of seen blocks. It would save from having to tear something apart in order to place a block.

# 16


Kamikaze Justice

5 năm trước

Also... indirect isn't always controllable on where exactly to put a block... that's if I'm understanding this correctly. Either way, I'll adapt.

# 17



5 năm trước

Given your replies I'm confident the current targeting system is workable. I'll slightly tweak it and not remove indirect targeting. Thank you all for your swift replies—I'll do my best to show off new features on the upcoming live stream.

# 18



4 năm trước

I've played around more. Extending (almost doubling) the range of direct targeting is definitely a big improvement for building as that saves almost ninety percent of moving around. Combined with the upcoming block picker you can enter a zen-like state while working on a portion of a build. I really like this. 'Bridging' from above like obi mentions is almost the same. With the change you can bridge most of the time if you are three blocks above the ground. If you're four blocks above ground you fully bridge like before as if nothing changed. The reverse situation however is much improved, if you're on ground you can now bridge about six or seven blocks above you. In some cases that might be faster and preferable to bridging from above. Currently you can't do this. Nudging blocks into gaps behind other stuff is mostly unchanged, although you can nudge stuff further away if you know where you want to place your blocks. This change seems like a big overall improvement. Bridging and nudging is largely the same or can be done more efficiently. Building regularly feels way more comfortable. The only "weird" thing is seeing heroes change blocks a bit farther away than before. So everyone, let me know if you are still concerned and I'll do my best to investigate and compare targeting systems.

# 19



4 năm trước

What you describe seems awesome! Now just need to release it. :)

# 20



4 năm trước

I'm pinging this topic to gauge everyone's reaction now that the new targeting mechanics and building tools are available. Are they good? Do they streamline your workflow? I'm interested to hear about your experiences, especially from those who used the indirect targeting mechanic a lot.

Bưu kiện 11–20 của 72

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