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ATTN: (Wonder) builders!

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Bưu kiện 21–30 của 72

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# 21



4 năm trước

I did some building today, and tried to use the new things: -New extended range: Very useful and will definetly increase my productivity when I fully realise I don't need to go as close as before to place blocks. The indurect targetng works fine, only a shame it doesn't work when the ground is within the building range. -Goggles: Was nice to use when rob showed me his building progress. I haven't found a genuine use for the matrix yet tho, for now its more of a "cool trick/thing to do" than a useful tool. A shortkey for the goggles would also be welcome: Maybe "G" could be assigned. -Picker: I don't use it a lot, but when I want to fix something real quick without going into the inventory to get the block, its super useful! Side note: wasn't pressing RMB supposed to toggle my shovel? Or did that fall out?

# 22



4 năm trước

I have had nothing but good interactions with the building tools so far and targeting system the same. The targeting system actually helped me build further away a few times but as far as the new tools are concerned I am slow to take up new things because I'm kinda old fashioned. I know I have the block picker and goggles there but haven't really used either of them yet.

# 23



4 năm trước

New range helps a lot in most cases, and I have experiences only two troubles so far: - When you build not many blocks above a ground, the cube cursor keeps sticking on the ground - When you build on tight places, for mostly same reason, it tends to stick on more far blocks The 'block' picker is a nice tool that makes things faster, now pleace add block placer and block remover :) Crosshair always visible is good addition, the building makes you feel more precise. Didn't the shooting crosshair became smaller? I have no idea how to turn on the matrix functionality of goggles, however I have usually no troubles to imagine block positions. After last update my client font size was bigger (default?). I had to change it back.

# 24



4 năm trước

Thanks for the feedback. Feels like the new targeting system is an overall improvement so I don't have to revert it. I'll address some individual comments. @obi: I decided last-minute to keep the current RMB behavior, but I'm still leaning towards toggle-to-shovel as it feels more natural and consistent with the block picker / 'Q'. So one more time: does anyone see problems with RMB becoming 'click to switch to shovel and back' instead of having to keep the button pressed? @Rob12: getting used to the new tools is definitely the hardest part after building so many things using the old system. I think the changes will just subtly merge into your brain over time :) @Moniq: good observations. As for your troubles: if you are low above the ground, does it feel natural to build out from the ground instead of from above? You have a huge range of about six/seven blocks when looking up, so maybe that is a better workflow? The crosshair indeed became a bit smaller as I didn't want it to take up many pixels now that it's always visible. This affects both the building tools as well as the crossbows. You can activate the goggles like any other item: equip them, then use them. That's done using LMB, right trigger or the touchscreen action buttons. The font size menu option value got reset to default on this update since I introduced the new 'space-saving' setting which is lower than the previous 'minimal' setting. I had to shuffle the range around a bit. I'm glad you figured it out. And definitely try out 'space-saving' if you were at minimal, it's the same text size but with a smaller hotbar.

# 25



4 năm trước

I would welcome the RMB becoming 'click to switch to shovel and back'

# 26



4 năm trước

@Firefly The problem with building on the ground is that animals want to eat me. That's mostly reason I don't do it. With picker and longer range it was made faster, but still might be dangerous and you will need to return to much higher place after. However I see building in tight places as a bigger issue. For these cases I would welcome an option to switch back to previous range. Can you make the shooting crosshair as big as it was before? With such small dot you can easily lost it especially when ayou are shooting while moving. I had this problem even with previous size, but now it is too small for me. Shovel on right mouse button is very useful and I would like to have it as it is now, ie one click - one remove. Not switching to the shovel and back. About goggles... I saw the smaller UI... and I didn't get the joke. Every time when I have used another thing, it deactivated. If anything, I would like to put on goggles and "see blocks" all the time, no matter what I do.

# 27


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

I personally like the old way of doing it. When deleting blocks now, if I should miss the block that I want to delete, I could end up deleting a block across the room, which I might not see, instead of just 3 blocks away. Also, when adding a block, it's much easier to misplace a block that's on the other side of the building and not know you did it, because it's not just 3 blocks away. The new way (the way it is right now) is great for clearing out large amounts of land, and get the job done much sooner, though.

# 28


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

I am doing a project right now, and I've done both mistakes while deleting and adding blocks. It's not exactly fun to go to the other side of the building to fix the mistake. As I said, deleting long distance sounds great for deleting land, rocks, and other materials... although, I haven't tested that, yet.

# 29



4 năm trước

I agree with KJ, similar experience.

# 30


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

I found another problem with targeting a block. When trying to stack some pillars so I can connect some curtains, the targeting suddenly shot off onto the far wall, where I didn't want it. Stacking pillars and placing lights on pillars was a much easier task. Perhaps, in time, I might learn to control my aim. There's a saying I like to say around my house... "If it's not broke, then don't try to fix it".

Bưu kiện 21–30 của 72

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