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ATTN: (Wonder) builders!

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 51–60 của 72

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# 51



4 năm trước

If it was about what I wrote I ment no color change when you can't place a block, just leave it white.

# 52


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

Maybe, instead of changing the targeting to go from a 4 block reach to a 10 block reach, it would have been better to go to just a 5 block reach? Can you imagine, driving a car that can easily maneuver on the streets because it's the right size, and it goes the right speed... and suddenly, you decided to buy a huge eighteen wheeler truck. Can you still maneuver through the neighborhoods without knocking over trees, street signs, and mailboxes, every time you turn a corner? I'll bet, there won't be a stop sign standing. So much for not whining anymore...

# 53



4 năm trước

@KJ: good suggestion, I can imagine a halfway measure… but if you (and others) still don't like it afterwards, I have to roll out yet another update to change things. I'd rather choose the "right value" given the two options we have for Angeldust v3.5 and release it really soon.

# 54



4 năm trước

@Moniq: I've tweaked the crosshair so it's now slightly transparent and neutral gray in color when you can't perform your block action. When you can perform your action, the crosshair is opaque and red/purple like before.

# 55



4 năm trước

I vote for both systems, I think it would be nice if players chose between both systems. I like the new system, especially to make big and raw buildings, it is much easier but for more delicate things and that needs calm I like the old system. In the end I wish I could switch between both systems.

# 56



4 năm trước

What if… the builder hero gets the old system and the other three heroes the new one? It's probably slightly confusing for new players, but it would mesh with the role of the builder: building things with more blocks (trees) and more attention to detail.

# 57



4 năm trước

I always play as the sorceress so that is not helpful for me. :( For now i even stopped playing because it's too frustrating to place blocks.

# 58



4 năm trước

And I always play a builder when not hunting so for me it would mean: - To have toolbars with same adsustment under Builder and other character (and it keeps reseting on update :() - Save position (which might not be possible if somewhere inside) - Log out, change character and log in - Return to building site I am afraid it is not good solution. I think it would be best to add toggle to switch between building ranges or a selection between more range options. I would also like to have both, the old one and new one. What is the problem with options in settings? I see you are generally relucant to add options for features. Keep it simple?

# 59



4 năm trước

In the current game architecture it's impossible to have a user setting for this, that's why I'm trying my best to come up with alternatives. Which are easy to shoot down :P Given @MYSTELLENERY's feedback and the overall sentiment in this thread I'm convinced that reverting to the old behavior is best. I've seen lots of votes against the new system, a lot of votes for it being switchable and only a few (sorry @obi2002) votes fully supporting the new system. Even though I think the new system is more intuitive and comfortable I think I can also see that I'm not the target market for it. You all have built beautiful things using the old system and I want to enable you to keep doing so. There might be a user-settable range in the future, but for now I'll go back to the old functionality. Thanks for all the feedback and my apologies to everyone who is enjoying the current system.

# 60



4 năm trước

Well I've built many things with the old system, I'll readapt back to it. :)

Bưu kiện 51–60 của 72

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