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ATTN: (Wonder) builders!

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Bưu kiện 31–40 của 72

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# 31


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

Sorry, about all this chiming in. Placing distant blocks (further than 4 blocks away) is a plus (which I just saw), although I haven't used it much, so far. I see the benefit of the two processes, but, I do work in close quarters more often.

# 32



4 năm trước

@KJ don't worry about sharing your experiences, it's good to hear everything. I recognize some of the problems like the pillars, but I'm puzzled by others. Is it an idea to try the new system a bit longer? I can imagine that having years of experience with the previous range and targeting makes the new setup uncomfortable at first. And I'm completely with you on the "if it ain't broke" part, but I did think the old system was at least a bit broken :)

# 33


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

I can probably get comfortable with the distance targeting. With me, it may be more than just getting comfortable with a new setup. My eyesight isn't what it used to be, so I don't think I'll go out of my way to use the distance targeting, if I can help it. Riding a dragon around while building actually improved my building a lot, so I'm completely satisfied with that improvement. I used to fall off of structures all the time and had to build scaffolds everywhere. It'd be nice to have the option to get rid of the 3rd person view while riding the dragon and building, though.

# 34



4 năm trước

1st person dragon ridng? Yes please. :)

# 35



4 năm trước

Take it easy y'all :D! Maybe Moniq's idea of enlarging the crosshair to its old size solves some targeting problems. I've played around with it a bit and it does feel more comfortable, so I might roll that out soon. I will keep the current RMB 'quick shovel' behavior for now. Don't want to upset too many people all at once. I think it's a fine way of interacting and the short-click actually works really well together with the now always visible crosshair. Other improvements: I will roll out a new Android and iOS version soon that allows players to move the touchscreen buttons around freely on both the vertical and horizontal axis. This really helps get the buttons in a good spot on devices with small bezels. There will also be a new menu option on tablets and phones to select between the 'normal' (opaque) touchscreen button style and a new 'minimal' (outlined) style. On small screens this greatly improves what you can see. Thanks to INFAMOUS for making me find this solution :P

# 36


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

While trying to place blocks under a structure (in an upward direction), I couldn't get the block to go where I wanted it to be without moving 7 or 8 blocks under where I need it to be. Before, I was able to be just a couple of blocks away to get the block where I needed it. For me, this makes building ineffecient, since I build this way many times, and I would not be able to move 7 or 8 blocks under a structure every time, since the ground would not permit it.

# 37


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

Ok... I've been building, since the upgrade to the new targeting system, trying to be fair about it. IMO, it's more broken that it was. I'm constantly placing blocks where I don't want them, even though, I do my best to target the block where it needs to go. I also find myself working slower in order to not misplace blocks. This is my final whine about this subject.

# 38



4 năm trước

@KJ: I'd like it if you posted some examples of broken targeting. I only have issues with bridging when im too close to the ground, but other than that, I haven't noticed anything bad. If we saw some screenshots or somthing similar, we could see what the issue is and rhen Firefly could fix it.

# 39


Kamikaze Justice

4 năm trước

Why would I need pictures of blocks being misplaced? As I said, the new targeting, which favors working from a longer distance, makes it easier to misplace blocks, whether underneath floors, or above ceilings, or behind walls. I really don't think pics are needed to imagine what I just said.

# 40



4 năm trước

I have the exact same problem as Kamikaze Justice. Before the update i used "fast build" a lot. Now it's more difficult to snap a block into the right place.

Bưu kiện 31–40 của 72

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