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4 tahun lalu
I don't often use the imitator because it is a) ugly and b) requires ugly photon power system. Hey photon stuff is cool and can look cool, but not everywhere. There's placing where I just don't want the "pipes and wires showing" if you get my meaning. Sometimes people want to spawn something without the imitator block having to be present, sticking up in the build, taking up space and looking ugly. It takes away from the "natural-ness" of having a creature hanging out in the place where I want it. The imitator needs to be invisible or something. I missed the last live stream. I have not watched it yet. Keeping that in mind, I do support the idea of being able to have ADLander people (NPC)s hanging out in the area. If player creates a village, it would be nice to have shop keepers, citizens, peasants, etc all hanging out to make the town feel occupied.
4 tahun lalu
There's placing == There's places (correction). Wouldn't it be nice if we could go back and correct errors in our own posts?
4 tahun lalu
One major roadblock to solve is how the NPC system would integrate with existing builds that don't have room for underground navigational markers. For new builds, you can plan to raise the floor one block to hide all NPC machinery from view. To be clear: the NPC will use the blocks around it to determine where to go. It will scan for, and go to, empty photon blocks at ground level and below ground. Because you can toggle photon blocks on and off, the NPC can be programmed to navigate dynamic patterns and react to player choices. The problem is that empty photon blocks at ground level are not pretty to look at. I also can't introduce new blocks. My best solution is to make the 'brown/green ivy', 'puddle of water', 'cross chalk line' and 'lantern' decals also act as navigational markers above ground. These can integrate pretty well into any existing build. It might require a bit of tweaking to get right, but I think it would be a good compromise. (Edit: after thinking about this more, maybe all decals at ground level should act as navigational markers. This way you can hide them even better.) Second best 'solution' is to 'not care' about the problem and let players figure out how far they want to go to integrate NPCs into existing builds using photon blocks. Third best solution is to change the navigational system so NPCs will keep walking until encountering orthogonal photon blocks. This way you need less markers, which might be easier to hide from view. It would make it harder to do complex patterns, I feel. Overall I'm not sure if I should abandon the NPC idea since old builds would be disadvantaged, or keep pushing it forward to allow for cool stuff in the future.
4 tahun lalu
Let's talk about this tomorrow, right before Sinterklaas: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEg9x9bGux8 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/AngeldustLive Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/games/angeldust/announcements/detail/2916607456083557941 Your feedback and contributions will be greatly appreciated :D
4 tahun lalu
Please do not abandon the Holo NPC idea, I have been talking to Lady Ada Elddir and she has an idea that we should pick the marker for the NPC, you may say how this is going to work? well when you place the NPC it will ask you to choose some bricks to be the marker for it, and if you want to change its marker then all you need to do is Remove the NPC and place it again. I think this will work because I remember that Firefly said that all the bricks have a different code number in the game so all you need to do is make the NPC look for these code numbers that the person choose, well what do you think?
4 tahun lalu
I think the way it's working is good enough, i might add the npcs at Countworth du Wilha and Eletrod but since they don't have a lower floor available, expect to be disapointed by how to spawn them, i can make multiple npcs spawn at the same time kind of with Bivoy, it has a free lower floor available(same for Senevoy), one thing is missing for me is the npcs simulating fighting, something like that would be really cool for future projects of mine. I have a question, if i unlock the possibility to ride the mammouth by quest points, will i be able to make npcs ride the mammouth too ?
4 tahun lalu
I'm not a gifted builder like most of you, so take my ideas with a grain of salt. Maybe there are even better ways of doing what I'm about to describe. For large, existing builds where you can't have a false floor I think the best approach is to see your build as a collection of mini-interactions. Identify (groups of) small buildings and tailor your interaction to those. Ruan has already showed doing this with holo scrolls inside houses to make a barber, a tailor and so on. My physical implementation of that would be to add a photon injector right next to the door or wall of the house, acting as a doorbell. A very short (invisible) photon conduit can then trigger the NPC photon imitator inside the house. With decals you can make a 'figure eight (8)' shape like I demoed on the stream to make the NPC go outside and then turn around and wait inside. This won't give you a full, overarching 'story' for your build, but you can definitely give the player the idea of a lively village (I think). You could add a few NPCs on top of that to wander the streets to paint the bigger picture. Anyway, so much for my 'integrate into existing builds' advice… Now for something completely different. @Angelio: The feature request of 'PLZ ADD NPC!!1' was so vague that it means something entirely different to everyone talking about it. Like I indicated before, I took the concept of an NPC and 'Angeldust-ified' it to make it fit into the game. So far, I think it feels very natural and it's helped make the game better, like the photon imitator becoming more subtle in appearance. So now we're getting to a point where NPC-subrequests pop up. The 'simulate combat' request is understandable in theory, but I honestly have no idea what it actually means. Can you elaborate what you mean? Would it be enough to make the NPC play their fighting animation (melee for builder, fighter, sorceress and shooting for scout) for a while? You can loop it, rotate it and somewhat time it using the demoed NPC programming system. @All: Riding mammoths is currently semi-intentionally impossible to keep those creatures exclusive to the players who unlocked them. How do you all feel about being able to spawn NPCs on quest-point creatures as well?
4 tahun lalu
I think giving the possibility to the npcs of riding on the quest creatures unlocked by the player will give a stronger motivation to do the quests and it will open up a bigger possibility, I see very well npcs riding on mamouths in wonders or builds,honestly it would be epic to see. Now what did I meant by "simulate the fight"? During your last dev-stream, you presented possible npcs action when it finds itself under certain block, for example the Trampoline when you put it under the ground and that the npc gets above it, he jumps, I imagined the same kind of system for the fight for the npcs. The idea is that when an npc is above a block which is under the ground it execute the animation fight in the direction he is and without doing the slightest damage, if there is no path after the block that makes the npcs continue his road, the animation of fighting will execute for ever If they happend to have a path after this "simulate fighting" block, they will fight for a while and then move foward to the next marker. Regarding how he fights and how long they will fight if there is a path after the "simulate fighting" block, it's up to you. You can even decide in the end to not do what i suggested right now. I'll just do with what this game provides me, that's it.
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