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4 tahun lalu
Being able to spawn NPCs with any badge/quest exclusive mounts you have doesn't sound like an issue to me. Just got an idea: being able to add a pet to the NPC would also be cool. Something even cooler: what if we could control imitated creatures like the NPCs, would be cool to have a cat walking around or a guard dog. And after they've been attacked, they'd ignore all markers attacking the nearest player in sight, just like they do now.
4 tahun lalu
I like obi's idea, more customisations on NPCs are always better, if the idea of obi is added in the NPCs, it would give the possibility to create a whole universe of characters, create their stories around many characters that players will be able to see them alive, moving around (I'm probably getting carried away right now). @Firefly Yes, i don't see the reason why i would suggest the fighting animation working diffrently from the system that you propose. I have another question, considering that you can spawn 4 npcs on 1 same claim, can you also spawn a creature too in that same claim with the 4 npcs without having any of them despawn, whether it is the creature or one or multiple npcs ?
4 tahun lalu
I'd be super happy with just NPCs as shown on the livestream. Was just throwing out the idea. I spent some time creating a path for an NPC at Nefer'spi turns out it's impossible to have a hidden marker (hidden == no visible stickers) when you want an NPC to go one level downwards, as the NPC only scans 2 blocks under it. I suggest having the NPCs scan one level deeper, if that doesn't put too much strain on the server side of things.
4 tahun lalu
@Angelio, @obi-: my main gripe with allowing 'exclusive' creatures is that they might lose their visual impact. If you see 16 NPCs riding mammoths, it's more of a joke than an epic thing. Anyone else: feel free to chime in. Pets for NPCs: I'm leaning towards 'no' currently. I think it would be a good to have differences between players and NPCs. On the other hand I can see the appeal of utilizing every trick in the book to make NPCs as appealing as possible. @Angelio: NPCs don't interact with photon imitator creatures at all. So you can have 4 NPCs and any amount of creatures in a chunk, as long as the creatures don't get too close to other creatures, as before. @obi-: remember that I made NPCs go 'bon voyage' ad infinitum on the stream? You can use that exact trick to make NPCs descend stairs if there's no way to place a visible or invisible marker behind a wall opposite the stairs. The NPC will only scan for navigational markers when on a navigational marker. So you need to cloak the navigational marker it's trying to get at and it will keep walking indefinitely. So, place a photon block below ground as marker. Then place a thin block on the ground above it. The NPC will find the photon block since it's two below ground from where it starts, but when it actually gets there, the thin block (slab) cloaks the photon block, since the NPC is now one level higher. Using this trick you can have the NPC go on an infinite journey with just one or two markers. Makes sense? It solves your problem as far as I know. And you need to place just one thin block (slab). It's a pretty genius trick that makes the system unexpectedly great. You can also do this trick with decals, by making a path above them. In the meantime I've also made the system so that you can trigger behavior using a block below ground as well as update navigation using a decal at ground level. Sounds complicated, but it means you can spawn an NPC and have it say a line and stand still on a 2x1 block area.
4 tahun lalu
First, by the time that at least 10 players unlock the mammoth, you will have plenty of time to build at least twice Eletrod. Secondly, the players who will unlock the mammoth will be players who will have spent 420 days to have it, i doubt that players who will have spend that much time to get the mammoth would be players who like to abuse things. Finally, you have planned to put a limit on the number of npcs for each claim, that should be more than enough to calm down those who like to abuse things . But if you really don't want to allow 'exclusive' creatures for npcs that bad, then sure, fine, i'll deal with it, at least I have suggested something.
4 tahun lalu
Thought you said you were gonna fix the 'bon voyage', keeping it sounds much smarter! Bug becomes useful feature :) I like it. I have some questions: -Will the NPCs 'hitbox' be 1 block tall (same as wolves) like you said on the livestream - so they can go into places the players can't get into? -Does the scout NPC glide when jumping? -Do decals bellow ground level still count as markers?
4 tahun lalu
@Angelio: keep the suggestions coming, it's nice to see the discussion and ideas flowing. I can't do everything to please everyone, but I'm picking and choosing my way to make the NPCs the best I think I can make 'em. @obi-: the 'bon voyage' is and was fully intended to be used for enabling infinite walks, but I fixed a bug where you'd expect something else to happen. If you have a holo scroll below ground and a decal on the ground, you'd expect the NPC to say the chat line as well as stand still. That's now working as intended. NPC hitbox is regular player-sized. They now trigger photon injectors/removers below ground, so you can make spaces where only NPCs can enter using those. That's exactly what I wanted and very flexible for other contraptions too. NPC scout doesn't glide. She's not as smart as a real scout. Decals below ground are ignored. Below ground you use empty photon blocks, at ground level both empty photon blocks and decals count.
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