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NPC ideas - Stream #314

di English di Forum

Pos 31–40 dari 43

Sebelumnya « 1 2 3 4 5 » Lanjut

# 31



4 tahun lalu

> NPC hitbox is regular player-sized. Alright, no hiding the imitator underground and having the NPCs emerge from the ground then. Thanks for the answers.

# 32



4 tahun lalu

@obi-: what are you trying to make :D? A music stage where the artists ascends from a smoke cloud while thundering music plays? If you really want to hide everything, you can spawn the NPC below ground, and make it walk through a one-way ascending passage. Our physics engine is pretty unique for that :P

# 33



4 tahun lalu

It's not as eccentric as a music stage haha, just trying to hide it all as much at possible :) > If you really want to hide everything, you can spawn the NPC below ground, and make it walk through a one-way ascending passage. Our physics engine is pretty unique for that :P Yup, that is exactly what I am and will be doing... if the hitboxes were 1 block tall choices would become infinite. You'd never have to worry about visible imitators or anything. You could spawn an NPC bellow a wall and have it appear from seemingly nowhere, then have it walk to the desired location/path. Side note: About the RNG thing... contrary to what I said on stream #314, I would like at least one RNG aspect to the NPCs... this would allow players to create a random number generator using photons. As after playing a bit with it in-game/in my mind, I figured out there wouldn't be any timing issues in more complex NPC paths, if you do it right. Right now the only way to have a photon RNG, would be by having the player/user 'seed' an RNG, by stepping on an injector and using the time between activation A and activation B as the so called RNG 'seed' for whatever logic you want to make. If the 'wait' mechanic using photon counters had a random aspect to it (wait for x to y seconds), that would allow us to have photon RNG: 1: have an NPC walk down a path 2: have the NPC wait a few times 3: have the NPC activate an injector at the end of the path 4: use the time the NPC needed to reach the end as RNG 'seed' (Would be a timing nightmare to get it to give out a larger range of numbers without nesting NPCs, but once figured out it would be amazing) The NPCs have a lot of power not just in the aesthetics, but also in the photon part of the game: 1. Wireless photon activation 2. NPC on backwards conveyor == slowest possible photon delay. 3. Feedback about what's happening in the machine in chat - using holo scrolls. 4. More photons in a chunk: 4 conduit photons + photon balls on conveyors + 4 NPCs per chunk. 5. (fastest photon signal == NPC on conveyor going forward... maybe) 6. (Photon RNG) There's probably much more you can do, these are just some things that I can come up on the spot.

# 34



4 tahun lalu

This is another one of those reverse pot moments haha

# 35



4 tahun lalu

I can see the appeal in a bit of RNG. Don't expect cryptographically secure cypher streams to come out of this, but I'll see if I can introduce some randomness to a subset of NPC behavior timing.

# 36



4 tahun lalu

@Angelio: the poison barrel will act as the NPC 'attack' marker, the idea being that the poison makes NPCs go mad. Both the scout and the sorceress play their firing animation, the builder and fighter play their regular attack animation. It's a pretty spiffy feature.

# 37



4 tahun lalu

Wow cool, i'm glad you found time to add a nice feathure suggested. Keep going, looking foward to see it done. And it's interressing that u choosed to make the npc builder use his hammer for his fighting. You see by having the npc builder use his hammer animation you could make an npc forging on building (for fake or course)

# 38



4 tahun lalu

By the way if the npc can move in the future it could also with summoned creatures? So I guess it would be better on some ideas

# 39



4 tahun lalu

I'll be demoing some new NPC functionality on the livestream today. To prepare for this, the website has been updated to show color codes for your heroes. This also helps to easily communicate your hero designs with other players :D

# 40



4 tahun lalu

Super gg

Pos 31–40 dari 43

Sebelumnya « 1 2 3 4 5 » Lanjut