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4 tahun lalu
Initial topic: https://angeldu.st/en/forums/topics/9246/Holo+NPC Stream link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9w_4PdSAXg NPC: -spawn using imitator -when an npc spawns it always faces the same way (e.g. north) Marker: -photon block acts as marker -can be placed out of sight (1 block under ground level) Marker scanning: -only scans when standing still (NOT constantly scanning) -only scans under npc (2 blocks), not above -only scans in front :x blocks and 90 degrees: x-1 blocks --diagonal markers are ignored Branching paths: -photon block above marker, on = goto marker, off = ignore -full block above marker = off Pauses - two options -use photons for pauses (photon block above marker) Limitations: -limited by claim, not by distance (4 per claim?) Color -color based on area it spawns in -additionaly to the area color you can use the holo painter to color it Photon activation -when an npc walks on top of an injector or remover, it activates it
4 tahun lalu
I have bin watching the stream and I like forwards right left for the Holo NPC and I get it. it is a simple program I play Some game with this kind of thing it is so simple. And I like the scan only when it is on the block. PS I really love the idea and I hope it is added to the game I can see myself using it.
4 tahun lalu
I have bin watching the stream and I like forwards right left for the Holo NPC and I get it. it is a simple program I play Some game with this kind of thing it is so simple. And I like the scan only when it is on the block. PS I really love the idea and I hope it is added to the game I can see myself using it.
4 tahun lalu
obi-'s summary in the OP is pretty accurate. My main problem remains that the marker-based NPC navigation system might be too complex. On the livestream it was clear that some players in the target group didn't understand a thing about it. Falling back to random pathfinding seems like an easy copout, but I would hate to see NPCs bumping into walls and not really acting sensibly in any way. So I do believe player assistance is necessary to make the NPCs act somewhat convincingly. Now some ask me to "just make the system bro and we might use it", but that'll take A TON of time for a potential "might use". I don't want to start this journey when I don't feel comfortable about the destination. In the meantime I've come up with some very cool features to make this NPC idea shine even more than we discussed. I think it would be a great addition to Angeldust, but we need to get players onboard with the entire idea and implementation first. It could be that I'm giving too much weight to the players that said they will never use the system as it would be too complex. Maybe just spawning a dude or dudette would be enough for them and their needs would be met too. I'm also a firm believer that visual learning (seeing = understanding) could be a great boon here. A potential Angeldust Dev!-stream on the NPC would probably do wonders for the understanding and introduction of the feature. In all, I'm still excited about the idea, but I want to be sure that you all are excited about my implementation and 'Angeldustification' of it to make it easy, but powerful.
4 tahun lalu
I love the idea, and will for sure use it, I'm sure we all will, including those who were unsure about it. If I remember correctly, there was some confusion about the mimic as well... once it came out, everyone loved it. Every time you have 'Angeldustified' a suggested feature, it turned out to be the best thing ever, so I'm excited to see what you'll do with NPCs. I didn't even really support/care about the idea of adding NPCs until you thought up a way to control their pathing. Having a way to control where they go sounds amazing. So far the navigation system is not overly complex at all if you ask me. I don't see how you could make it simpler, the demo on stream #314 proved it's already very simple, only one person didn't understand it. An AD dev stream would also be pretty cool! :)
4 tahun lalu
I 100% support the NPC project, the idea is great and I'm happy that you're really working on it and making the NPC more complete and complex as possible. it's really amazing that we can make the NPC navegation system, and I will definitely use that in my buildings. Even though for some people it will be a little "difficult" to understand how all of this is going to work, I still believe that everyone can learn everything over time.
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