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update ideas

trong English trong Diễn đàn

Bưu kiện 41–50 của 94

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# 41



5 năm trước

can we add jestures or emotes to t5he game for people who cant type a persons language?

# 42



5 năm trước

or how about railings that prevent you from falling off the edge of things

# 43


Lady Ada Elddir

5 năm trước

Many of these ideas are good. But I have to say, I am an annoying paranoid girl, so whenever I play a game, I only play with the girl characters. And my brothers are like me, and only play with the boy characters. We feel that is we play as the opposite gender, then people would assume that we are that gender, and/or "changing" to it. Thus I understand how it feels being stuck on certain characters because of their genders. There are work materials that I cannot use, because I do not use the builder, so I often ask my brother to come online to build things for me. I also understand why new characters cannot be added, due to change of art. But maybe I do not understand that enough. Because, why not find someone willing to copy the style of art to make the new characters? There are a lot of skilled artists out there, so it is not that hard.. right? (Like I said, I am annoying. Lol) To be honest, the main chances that I wish to see are: Water, able to walk/swim through, which is clear-ish. Mounts, being faster. PvP, being not a separate world, but everywhere, all the time. (Kind of like in MineCraft. Because, duh, who does not want to smack their siblings every now and then with some sort of weapon/magic spell? Heheh) And last of all, the Sorceress's eye paint.. it is glitched in the 3D form, and looks like serious bags under her eyes, as if a desperate cry for coffee. Those are my most wanted changes. Having a clan sounds very nice, but so does other things, such as stamina bars, hunger levels, fishing abilities. Ah, the possibilities and ideas are endless for me. Anyhow, I would love to help in any way that I can, so if (magically) somehow I am needed to help with anything (ideas, art, advice, ..learning to make myself shut up ;) ..) just let me know. ~ Lady

# 44



5 năm trước

Hey Lady, glad to see you here :)! Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you took the time to write it all down. After Angeldust v3.0 is released (pretty soon) I'll take a solid look at what to add next. In the meantime, you can 'help' by joining the Discord server and just chatting and playing a bit, or playing on the live stream. Next episode is tomorrow: YouTube— Twitch—

# 45



5 năm trước

[quote]Firefly; ; After Angeldust v3.0 is released (pretty soon) [/quote] We wait with bated breath.

# 46



5 năm trước

that wonder blah is literally shit

# 47



5 năm trước

I'm genuinely concerned I haven't seen or heard from "Firefly" in days now, just curious if they alright? last I knew I was asking some questions we exchanged a few words then poof gone! but anyways animal/mob levels I think should go to 40 for now, we need at least another 15 wonders for now! Maybe a couple more new mobs to each biome to spice things up maybe a changeling that can appear in all biomes but maybe be a unique color depending on where or could be a chameleon either or, Marriage would be cool to have in game, I like the Golden Animals, we could try for Platinum and Diamond variations of each animal too, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, even Crystal versions of each animal could be kinda interesting, I know the game drops Gold coins, but is it possible to have like a Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum system? what coding language is this game? I may be able to help make some prototype stuffs as I make games myself, oh and one last thing there really should be an offline version of this game for folks like me who not always has a stable internet connection, so that way can play but there be no other players type thingy, then when internet connects then boom back playing with people type deal :)

# 48



5 năm trước

Hey, I'm doing absolutely fine :) But I'm not here 24/7. Usually I just work on the game and check the forums a few times a week.

# 49



5 năm trước

... and we all breathed a collective sigh of relief :D

# 50



5 năm trước

Sigh of relief here too lols! :)

Bưu kiện 41–50 của 94

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